BYC Café

Hey thanks Ron you got it

It's cloudy right now, and chilly. Hopefully the sun comes out today. I want to paint the addition to the coop. I was able to buy just a quart of paint, instead of a gallon, which is good. That should be plenty.

Or dog, Mara, is having a rough patch right now, poor baby. Friday was her yearly check up with lots of vaccines. Tests indicated she might have Addisons. Monday was the test for that. Since Sunday, she has had diarrhea (really bad), so she went back for more pills. I thought her belly looked a little swollen -- vet cautioned me to watch for ascites -- but an ultrasound showed only a little bit of fluid, not enough to be able to get a sample.

She doesn't want her normal dry food, but will eat some mixed with canned. She won't eat her chewable (huge! FN HUGE) probiotic pills, and they're too big to hide in cheese. She actually spat the cheese out; very uncharacteristic. I managed to get the anti-diarrheal pill down her in some cheese, but not easily.

A friend's recommendation for diarrhea was pumpkin mixed with rice. She did eat a bowlful of that, gladly. She also likes yogurt, so I will give her some of that again for the probiotics. Maybe she'll like kombucha too...?

@microchick, I'm thinking about Sidney too, while going through all this. :hugs :hugs

Hopefully by the end of the day, we both have better news.

It's cloudy right now, and chilly. Hopefully the sun comes out today. I want to paint the addition to the coop. I was able to buy just a quart of paint, instead of a gallon, which is good. That should be plenty.

Or dog, Mara, is having a rough patch right now, poor baby. Friday was her yearly check up with lots of vaccines. Tests indicated she might have Addisons. Monday was the test for that. Since Sunday, she has had diarrhea (really bad), so she went back for more pills. I thought her belly looked a little swollen -- vet cautioned me to watch for ascites -- but an ultrasound showed only a little bit of fluid, not enough to be able to get a sample.

She doesn't want her normal dry food, but will eat some mixed with canned. She won't eat her chewable (huge! FN HUGE) probiotic pills, and they're too big to hide in cheese. She actually spat the cheese out; very uncharacteristic. I managed to get the anti-diarrheal pill down her in some cheese, but not easily.

A friend's recommendation for diarrhea was pumpkin mixed with rice. She did eat a bowlful of that, gladly. She also likes yogurt, so I will give her some of that again for the probiotics. Maybe she'll like kombucha too...?

@microchick, I'm thinking about Sidney too, while going through all this. :hugs :hugs

Hopefully by the end of the day, we both have better news.
Oh Sally, I'm so sorry Mara still isn't feeling well and the vet is suspecting Addisons. Poor baby, Sid is still having diarrhea also but is having a CT scan done this morning so they can figure out what and why she has lesions in her bowels that are probably causing her health crisis. We are betting on a foreign object that has wrecked havoc on her guts.

One of the vets had us giving her Pepto chewable tablets which of course she wouldn't chew and I had to pop down her throat. I've always used rice mixed with ground turkey or chicken breast for dogs with the runs. We were having the same problem with Sid though. She wouldn't eat anything and unfortunately it won't work if they won't eat it.

We usually get a call from MIZZOU Veterinary Hospital between 8 and 8:30 So we are keeping our fingers crossed. Our lady is causing quite the stir down there along with a bunch of heads being scratched.

I'll add Mara to my prayers. Don't let that diarrhea go too long or she will start to dehydrate.

:hugsto both of you. Isn't it amazing how we fret and worry about our canine and feline fur children when they are ill? I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep and DH gave up trying to catch up on his. I just got up and need to do an intravenous push of coffee right now to get my motor running.

Good morning everyone at the Cafe!
Good afternoon everyone!

Hope all is well and the dogs will get better soon.

Waiting here for another hailstorm to end, as the dogs need their daily run and just roaming the yard is far from enough for them.

The storm (they named it "Eugen") is already going on for three days in a row ...:rolleyes: Lots of trees coming down and other damage all over the country.

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