BYC Café

Operation "put the tarps up" was only a partial success. I got the front and annex done. Two of the pullets and the cockerel were too terrified of the tarps flapping on the walls to come near the door even after I pinned the tarps down. I plucked the boy and one sister off the south window sill, over the dust bath area. THAT was fun.
I opened the human doors to the coop and flushed the last girl in but she turned right instead of going straight and started screaming and carrying on when I picked her up and carried her into the coop.
Broody kids. Sheesh
Operation "put the tarps up" was only a partial success. I got the front and annex done. Two of the pullets and the cockerel were too terrified of the tarps flapping on the walls to come near the door even after I pinned the tarps down. I plucked the boy and one sister off the south window sill, over the dust bath area. THAT was fun.
I opened the human doors to the coop and flushed the last girl in but she turned right instead of going straight and started screaming and carrying on when I picked her up and carried her into the coop.
Broody kids. Sheesh
Chicken Drama!
Maybe keep them confined for the completion of the mission?

Have plans to wash the coop windows and change out bedding,
anticipating the chaos that will ensue.
Maybe keep them confined for the completion of the mission?
The side and back shouldn't bother them in the morning.
Have plans to wash the coop windows and change out bedding,
anticipating the chaos that will ensue.
I need to clean all the windows too. They get filthy being horizontal for 6 months out of the year.
I had spinach and kale in there all winter long, last year. When it got really cold (-single digits), I covered the plants with clear plastic boxes that greens come in at the store. Everything made it!
Oooh, nice!!!!

And because I need green things to look at in the winter.
I've taken stuff out of the refrigerator that would give you plenty of green to look at. Orange and pink too ;)

They messed with time again this year. I do wish they would leave the clocks alone.
Most of us agree with you. We don't get nailed until next Sat/Sun.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

DH came home yesterday!
Good morning Cafe.
I'll have a cup of that coffee please DL.
Got at least two weeks of this Halloween/Fireworks nonsense to endure. Spoko the Husky that lives in the house is a nervous wreck. Kids have been throwing fireworks into the allotments where the chickens live. The shops are full of plastic Halloween tat that nobody really wants but buy.

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