BYC Café

DH and I took advantage of the sunshine and cut a load of firewood today. I drop the trees for him and then he helps cut them up. We backed up to the splitter and
" TA DA!" firewood!
DS$ has decided to head off to University of Nebraska, Kearney (UNK for short).

Do they still have that Pioneer Village there in Kearney Margie? Visited there once several years ago, it was interesting.
The wood stove is our only heat source.
Are you on a slab?

My baseboard hot water heat is in 3 separate zones.
Lower/basement level, living/dining area, bed/bath area.
I don't even run the bed/bath area unless it gets down in the low single digits.
I do have a wood burner in the lower level, not very efficient but would probably save all that piping if the power was off during frigid weather, only had to do that once or twice in 20+ years.
Us as well. We do have electric for back-up, but it only gets turned on if we are gone on vacation.
Our ONLY heat source is the stove.
We vacationed in March 3 years ago and winterized the house before leaving. Slept in the living room when we got back because it was too cold to sleep in the bedroom.
Are you on a slab?
Nope. Full poured concrete basement. Pex plumbing.
Even when we went down to -23 one night we had no issues. I had the stove ripping, mind you!
I removed all the insulation from the basement ceiling to allow some of the heat to leak into the basement.

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