BYC Café

Good morning all, thanks for the coffee I have a question about my Silkies? I moved them outside a little over a week ago from our indoor brooder. I open there coop door and they won't leave the coop, I have to move them in and out every morning and evening.
Should I just let them do there thing, as there food and water are outside.
Also we are now up to 15 Black Rose Comb babies
Is everything at floor level or do they have to walk down a steep ladder to leave the coop?
Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee and tea.

Fairly dark here still. It’s also getting fairly warm here today for the first time this year - I expect the flowers will be in full bloom shortly. The forsythia is almost out!

Orca! My BREEZE buddy! It is good to have you back although I will say it would have been nice to hear from you sooner because the last time you checked in, raging fires were bearing down on you and you were worried about all kinds of bad things happening... :old
So now that you are here, make some coffee for your punishment for giving us all kinds of worry, and we will call it good! LOL!

Ahhhh, I’m sorry. I survived the fires but life got the better of me for a while. I’ll try to bring coffee and treats to help make up for it!
Good morning! Still here and we have power this morning, so all is quite well.
DH got half of the driveway cleared yesterday. We shall see what today brings.
He gets overwhelmed with the issue of where to put the snow and got the tractor stuck. I suggested a couple of different ways to get it unstuck and we let the slush freeze in the cleared area. The tractor is all better and today is much colder.
New day!
Have fun and enjoy, Cafe! That far blob is my 3500 Crew Ram, fyi and lol!

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