BYC Café

I'm soaked in sweat. I came in for another "hydration/cool the body core temp back down to somewhere below boiling" break. I'm trying to finish spreading that mulch pile but it's slow going in this heat and humidity.

The broodiness is spreading.
I caught the "book ends" in the boxes along with Jody (AGAIN!!). Jody was very unceremoniously sloshed around in a tub of water and tossed shrieking her damn fool head off into the breaker. I left her in there for only 2 hours sopping wet in front of the floor fan before letting her out and to check to see if either of the book ends were still on the nest. They both were. :duc

They are very early in the process so I tossed them (literally) out the door and took all the eggs. Tonk has yet to come back on the scene. We'll have to see what awaits me at lock up tonight.

Stinkin' brats! THIS is why I'll never be able to vacation in the summer...
I got overheated today too!

I finished the yard work just in time for the heatup to start
How'd any of them get out of the breaker crate(s)....Hmmmmm?
Hey now!
If you recall, miss Jody laid an egg in the breaker. Both she and Tonk stayed off the nest the day after they were released.
As for the book ends... they just started.

Lock up report.
Jody and Tonk jockeying for a spot on the roosts: :plbb to you, @aart!

The book ends caught in the act again:

Mallory took off.
Morgan got upgraded to luxury accomodations in the penthouse suite:

I've got some of those bottle cap doodads on order to make a better feeder.
The thunder here was insane, it was a continuous low rumble.
Took me a bit to realize what that sound was.
Crazy down here in Northern Illinois. We had 50+ mph winds and lightening nearly non-stiop for a few hours as a big front moved in. Lightning strck the transformer at the end of our drive, twice in less than 5 minutes! I have never seen such an eerie light. We were convinced that the aliens had landed! 🛸 Power was out for most of the night.

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