BYC Café

She went outside for a scratch.
And took the kids with her! Hopefully she'll stick with them for 6-8 weeks making integration easier. I did put up a cardboard "excluder" on the roosts after Nuit left the kids and headed over to the roost on the opposite side. The kids can get through the cardboard through a hole at the ramp but the adults can't. I'm sure there will be some tussling for spots, especially from Penelope, when the cardboard is removed.
I gave Astrid a raisin. She tried to give it to the chicks. I picked up the chick that took it and tried to pull it out of her beak. What a grip she had!
I got it away from her and broke it up into tinier pieces for Astrid to feed them. They're barely a day old and two were playing tug of war with one.
I gave Astrid a raisin. She tried to give it to the chicks. I picked up the chick that took it and tried to pull it out of her beak. What a grip she had!
I got it away from her and broke it up into tinier pieces for Astrid to feed them. They're barely a day old and two were playing tug of war with one.
This is just adorable!

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