BYC Café

Depression, and really, any mental illness, needs to come out of the shadows, and be seen for what it is: an illness. Just like the flu, or heart disease, or any physical disease.
It still carries a huge discrimination factor, even in the medical arena.
Meds can help, but most don't work long term(for years),
and they can be also be very hard to find the right one and dosage.
Takes at least 6 weeks to really kick in and stabilize,
then another 12 weeks to change/evaluate.
Diagnosis is all 'lets see if this drug works' :rolleyes: ... brain chemistry cannot be effectively tested.
There are almost always other issues involved.
It's really depressing.
as brain chemistry cannot be effectively tested.
In my 20s, I had a dexamethasone suppression (?) test...?

I went to the therapist the next week thinking, well, that was fun (collecting my pee for 24 hours), but so what. She told me normal was 5, but mine was 11. For the first time, I thought, literally, "Maybe all of this is not my fault." That was a turning point for me.

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