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Omg, you ladies are the BEST!

Thank you...

Oh, Karan, I must have forgot to mention the part about rescue birds. I lost track of who I told and who I did not...They are the ones we just got. The pictures don't show it, but about a third of them look like they were in a gang fight. They came from a 400 + production farm which is run "the old fashioned way".

The birds were treated well, but definitely not pampered, the coop was kind of scary messy, but not commercial horrible level, and they all got to go outside A LOT. No cages, free range over about 30 acres at certain times of day. However, that's just a lot of birds in one place, even if they had enough room. And ours were rescued from a cull batch that were just getting culled because he had too many birds, and these were the ones getting stressed, not because they weren't laying.

None of them have been treated for probably most anything nasty, they are pretty feral. And it was a matter of the survival of the fittest. They are already getting tamer and like people, and I just now have to get them all healthy.

Well, that is the story of my chickens. I think it is time for me to hook something...I will have an egg report in a little while along with an update on the egg stand and status of those tough ol' gals in my coop.
to all
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Steph, here's the washcloth pattern, straight off the lion brand site...

Bath Collection - Vanilla Grit Stitch Washcloth
Lion Brand
Organic Cotton

13 stitches = 4 in. [10 cm] in pattern stitch. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE. When you match the gauge in a pattern, your project will be the size specified in the pattern and the materials specified in the pattern will be sufficient. If it takes you less stitches and rows to make a 4 in. [10 cm] square, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger size hook or needles.

Chain 35.
Row 1: Skip 2 chains (counts as single crochet), double crochet in next chain, *skip 1 chain, work (single crochet, double crochet) in next chain; repeat from * to last 2 chains, skip next chain, single crochet in last chain – 17 (single crochet, double crochet) pattern repeats.
Row 2: Chain 1 (counts as single crochet), turn, double crochet in first single crochet, *skip next double crochet, work (single crochet, double crochet) in next single crochet; repeat from * to last 2 stitches, skip next double crochet, single crochet in top of turning chain.
Repeat Row 2 until piece measures 10½ in. [26.5 cm] from beginning. Fasten off.


Really works up pretty with the cotton!!!

Shanah, I've been looking at your squares and wondering about your ending and beginning of old and new rows. You will have straight even ends if you do the same things every single time. Go to the end of the row and chain 2 and turn and make your first sc in the next space from your hook..NOT the one your hook is actually in, go to the end and work in the last space that is actually a sc..don't force a new one, chain 2 turn and repeat...consistently do that and your edge should be even ...if you are like my friend at work who can't seem to get that for the life of me...alternate, meaning, one time in the space WITH the hook and the next time in the space next to the one with the hook..either method will make your ends straight....give it a try!
sorry about your hen
love the egg stand idea though, very southern

Scoot you are crazy Ilove the dancing pickle Karan

ahhhhh, I think Scoot actually IS a dancing pickle!!!

whoo hoo Karan!!! you go girl on those circles, squares and hexagons..and triangles and whatever else!! Any sizes, any colors, any patterns, anything goes!!
Should be vewy intewesting!!!
Hmm, I thought I was doing that...heh...I was getting better results with chaining one, after trying various numbers of chains...(I have a few started that I did not picture)...I will have to watch what I am doing more carefully. Thanks SE!
I was really wondering why I was getting bumpy edges. Chain 2 you say? I will give it a try. I have been so secretly stressed lately, that I am surprised my squares turned out at all.
The blue/pink/green/purply square is the newest one, those edges are pretty straight, I think. SE, I don't go to the very last stitch on the end row?
well I will keep practicing and post the newer ones when I finally get some.

Just sold another dozen...
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ris I love the pink/purple/blue/green color. I think your squares look pretty good. I find if I do the kind of square you are doing, I have to count my stitches every few rows, I tend to pick up extra/loose stitches every few rows
if I don't pay attention to what I am doing
good going on the egg/produce stand
Yes, you stitch in the last one on the row but Lisa is right about the easiest way..count every single stitch and make sure you have the same number every single row. When you get my stitch marker, hook it at the half way mark in the row and then you will have a visual gauge to give you a guide. You're doing great, didn't mean to discourage you at all!!
Forgot who the other brand newbie to crochet is but hopefully she is doing well too.
..if not, lots of help here in this thread, just ask!!

I know one thing, I am sick of cleaning!!!!! It's bad when you work and work and then it's hard to tell what you did!!! Maybe I need a hooking break, lol!!! That will probably help my perspective alot!!
Well, it's starting to be a long day. Not many people need eggs on a Tuesday I guess. it's going to be a long week.
It was an eventful day already. Lost a hen, sold 3 dozen eggs, gained a dozen eggs from my ladies and am learning a lot about how to help get them healthy.

I will keep counting those stitches, I have had some good luck so far...but my untrained eyes might be deceiving me. I haven't been able to concentrate on hooking much because I was researching how to get my birds healthy. Not discouraged, SE, I was a little worried though heh...
I still think I am not seeing something I should be.

I need a nap. I want to stick it out today to get a feel for things. I am so not going to be out here in the mornings least not for long. I think the home rush is what I will get.
Good Going Shanna
I sure hope business starts coming in steady.
Where Did you set your egg/produce stand at? Could you take some photos? Just set back and wait it takes a while for things to get around that you are there and what nice eggs and produce you offer. Believe me it take time, we are going to have our grand opening of our greenhouse next April on Earthday. And I am sure there will be days I won't see anyone. But then there will be days when there will be mor people than I can keep track of. If you offer something speicial or different than what folks see at other places then they will keep coming.
We are going to grow tomatoes off season and offer a wide veritiy (sp?) of peppers (Vic loves Hot Peppers) any way I got a pepper that was growing in the same pot with a tomato so we will make a pot that I will call a salsa kit with pepper, tomato, chives and cilatro in a pot.
woo just real quick... 5 dozen today so far!

the afternoon rush has started...

real quick - Karan - our stand is in our front yard.
Pics soon!

I have to start hooking... hook and they will come, and totally throw off my stitches!
but that is what I was doing when suddenly I got swamped.... 2 people buying lots of stuff and my eggs and me with no change.
I had to run around all the way behind the barn and still no change. Worked out in the end... but ugh
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Keep it going That's what ya call a Happy Paid Hooker

get the change jar out of the house, I keep 1 on my dresser. Have to rob it once in a while myself.

Jsut keep your yarn and hook close so maybe as you hook they will come

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I need to learn not to post when I am in pain, forgot to proof my last post, I didn't mean to make it seem like you were being too critical Darlene
, had I proofed that I would have added that I have been hooking for 20+ years off and on, and my squares like that still look exactly like Shanna's
If I absolutely need straight edge squares, I have to knit them
or I do a lot of frogging the square

I started PT - personal torture- this morning, I am in far more pain than before, but that seems to be how physical therapy works
make ya hurt to make ya better.

I got a couple of packages in the mail today. One was the BYC Mascot Fancy, and one was a care package from my mom - Fancy had to see what was in it

Check out the mascot page to see what else Fancy was up to today
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