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Ok so I am now finally caught up on my reading, as I have been in stealth hooker mode today, I stealthly hooked in passengers seat of the car all the way to fort smith and back! LOL! DH loves it kinda he said I still talk to much. LOL! oh well he would miss it if I didn't!. Lovemychicks9 did you get that pattern I mailed you yet? Oh its been so busy these last few days with all the chickens and having to get up and do nothing, just watching the kids play and the hubby hang from a tree like the monkey I always knew he was. Its totally got to be this fall weather thats got everyone in a playful mood round here.

Well scramlbed I decided that you needed an extra hand around the house so I am sending my DH yours and eastTNchicks way. LOL! No really! He's got a job interview and welding test to taken in Cofield, NC on the 27th of this month and if it is sucessful he will be there for a week working on a shutdown job, where the company that he will work for goes in to a factory durning a shutdown week to do some welding repairs, so he will just have to be you handyman for a week! LOL! but then I need him back in time to finish getting the farm winterized! I am just happy he has found a career that he enjoys. and makes darn good money doing it.
Guitartists I got your squares today. Just thought I would let you know and they are really nice ladies ya'll are in for a suprise. Well DH got us some good movies to watch so I am going to go snuggle down under my half finished window ghan and make my hook all greasy with popcorn butter. Ya'll all have a good night and i will post ya in the morning. Maw
Yep, Susan, you fit right in!

Well, I have some pictures for you all...please be gentle...
I am a very slow hooker (ahem...) and my enthusiasm overpowered my skill level so I have a lot of projects started...what is pictured is what I have done...I sure hope I can get the rest of the squares done...

My squares so far...*cringe* yup...only 5...

And one of my finished projects for my sister: an iPod sock...yes, the iPod actually goes inside that, I did make it into a pouch. The blue square is one of my squares only...The sock is my attempt at figuring out other things besides squares.


And for the curious: Here's a link to my Feathered Ladies. I still have to get them all organized to go onto my BYC blog page...

a good night. Tomorrow: Selling Eggs Day!
I will report when I can. Oh and the benefit of sitting out in a produce/egg cart all day... HOOKING! heh...
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Good morning, ladies! Well, I managed to get all of my tomatoes canned yesterday, but I still have apples to do today. I now have 27 quarts of tomatoes! We'll probably go back to the U-pick farm this weekend and pick 3-4 more buckets full ($5/5-gallon bucket!).

I'm hoping to have some time to work on my squares today, but I'm not holding my breath. LOL.

Maw - If your DH wants to come give us a hand, that would be fine with me! Tell him "good luck on the job interview". Too bad you can't come with him and visit for a day or two!.

OK - better get to work! Have a great day, ladies!
Great to hear from you Steph!!!!! Wish I had all those tomatoes to can!! How cool!!! All the salsa I could make.....lucky you!!!

Hey, where is Rafter (Jean)???? I see her on that list and she used to post alot..we sure have alot of MIA hookers!!!

Shanah, your squares are awesome!! Those center start grannies are a bit confusing so get your confidence up with the straight ones and then you'll be showing us all up...youreally should buy that book I just bought...very helpful, the crochet motifs one, helps expalin, with a little graph even, how to do a square and the other shapes, I highly recommend the book.

I told Wildsky..who is crocheting everything she can think of lately, loL!!! that my next project is that retro circles afghan on the site...although I swapped out the chocolate for nutmeg and the blue for autumn red in the Caron yarns...I LOVE that pattern..just have to finish the washcloths and the crochet-a-long I am working on first, lol!! Tooo many projects..too little time!!!!

Moving furniture around and giving my house a good cleaning and organizing though..garage and shed are on the list too!!! Have a great day!!!!
Shanna those squares are great
You did a fine job on the Ipod pocket too

I loved the photos of your new girls in the coop and the tour guide (the white hen) seemed to know the place well already.

eastTNchick you are really getting a jump on getting that pantry filled for winter sound s like some good groceries at your place. I was hoping to get another freezer for my storage , only hope my sister still has it.

Maw tell DH good luck on his interview. And I can't wait to see a pic of your window ghan.

Susan SE can answer your ??? about the spring swap I am going to do different shapes for mine hex, triangles, round what ever I can fit in. I'm glad you are enjoying this group
they are a great bunch of gals aren't they!

SE sounds like your day is filled with fun
OBoy want to come tome to my house???

Well girls I gotta get busy getting my promo stuff ready for my Greenhouse display at the Food Fest in Kirksville this Saturday.
Hi there,
Lost a hen today.
We think the rescue status of our birds is starting to show now as they are away from the crud and able to relax...the trauma is going to hit them hard. So, we have our work cut out for us to save our ladies. I have a lot of good things to do, so I am not too worried, I just have to get the stuff fast. ugh...poor things.... Also sold 2 dozen eggs so far. I think afternoon home from work rush will be a better time.

Thanks all.
I am happy with my squares. After I figure out what my egg stand schedule is more, I will be hooking away. (with the transition into the chicken biz, I hope you all will forgive me if I can't get all the squares done. There may be some very un-Shanah like squares from me, or however Maw labels them, since I know that there are extras out there for us distracted/slow hookers. Thank HEAVENS! I am going to try my best though. I get faster every day.)

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and weepy
and lonesome, suddenly. ...with lots of eggs, then not so many eggs, trying to get rescue birds healthy, trying to sell eggs, time the selling of eggs, well, I am sure you understand. It's a bit isolated out here in this egg/produce stand. I am so glad my wireless laptop works.
Or I would go nuts...

Well, after that little rant, I will be off to go get a few more things to make my camp out in the stand a bit more comfy. I am sure I will be back soon!
best of luck with you egg stand rocket and sorry to hear bout your hen heres something to cheer you up!







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Shanna, I am sorry about our hen,

I guess I didn't know or forgot you had some rescue birds. That's not what the chickens were you just got were they? I guess I must have missed something?

Hey, I hope you get some good stuff going there at your egg stand... Just think of the hooking you might be able to sneak in between customers..

Lets hope there are lots of egg buyers

I'll check in on you now and then over the day to see how your doing.
LOL nope just the graphic queen LOL i love this thread...its so warm and cozy...gotta go do some house cleanin that i have been neglecting cause of BYC lol
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