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We have a very strict rule for our natural creatures, and pets alike. You do NOT, EVER, touch, move or pick up anything untill you have mom and or dad's okay to do so. But we let them hold, touch anything so long as it is safe to do. Mainly because I was raised super well to be afraid of everything. Also why I am scared of horses. I took horse-back riding lessons when my dad was active duty and stationed in England, they teach you to never go around the back of the horse. I love those big ole creatures, but am more scared of them then not. So, the kids get to hold snakes. Good trade-off, right? lol
Just because you're scared, doesn't mean the kid has to be. Might need them to get rid of something for me one day, sure would hate having squeamish kids. I tell them, from a 4 ft distance, we can always wash your hands honey!!
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Morning ladies, Ok skand creep scares was yesterday! LOL OHmy goodness that is a big snake its been a year or two since I have seen one that big!
Tell hippy jim great job on that one. defintaly a fence hanger. Crazy folks round here like to hang stuff like that on the fence to show off what they found and shot. goofballs. only in oklahoma. LOL
well ladies sorry for not posting the last 2 days but was busy getting ready for halloween, last min touch ups on costumes and so forth. so last night I rode my broom and took the grimlins out to play and get candy, came home with 6 buckets full between the two of them. so loads of fun we had. haley won the costume contest at her school. I will get pics up in a day or two.
Gals I love the afghans the are beautiful. great job.

Welcome blossom hen and lurthernchick we are sooooo glad to have you join us, and no worries on not having chickens as we love to share ours. so jump right in and join the fun. Se I will work on getting the spring swap stuff posted on the 5th. well ladies I have a ton of things to get done so I will post ya'll later today. Maw.
Ok Ladies, I think I finally mastered the granny square since I posted last! SE I got the pattern memorized in my head, so I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! Also needed a better light over my shoulder and found an OTT Lite that works great! I saw it online for around $240 and by the time I finished searching for a better price, found the same exact one for $99 and free shipping at Sew Vac! Hope you think my squares are OK, don't know if I could relearn again LOL! Happy Hooking All!
Oh, by the way, I'm making slippers out of the big ones and a scarf for a wooden snowman that sits by my door all winter!
well I think I have gotten everyone we haven't heard from in a while pm'd and gals if you happen to see them on the site somewhere kindly let them know that the deadline has arrived and that it is time to get them squares in the mail. thanks ladies.
Lynda..those squares are wonderful!!! It does help to have a good light, also reading glasses for me, lol!!! Really nice squares..keep stackin 'em up and you will have the spring swap numbers knocked out early and you can cruise!

Wonder where Rafter, Mangled, Jen, Lori, Teri, Kim, Red, Bonnie, Chickngurl, Elcunni, Coffee, Jess and Kelly have been??? Post sometimes ya'll so we can keep up with you and the new folks can get to know you!! Looks like the squares are heading your way pretty well Maw! Great job hookers
Sorry, between canning, chicken injuries, and kids with poor grades and illness, life has been a little busy in my world. Especially since I work full time.

I have 25 squares done so far, but they aren't particularly pretty or well done. Just too much to do and not enough time to do it. Hope I don't disappoint ya'll too much
Those squares look great

WOW :eek: That's a BIG rattler! I'm glad we don't have them around here. I saw one once that someone had as a 'pet'? ... definitely a creature to be respected.... so quick and there's something in it's stare... I'd hate to have to go face to face with one... and I LOVE snakes
Hey, ladies!!

skand - WOW! That's one BIG rattler!

maw ~ Glad to see that my squares arrived safe and sound!

Well, we confirmed that the neighbor's dogs did kill our chickens. They "supposedly got rid of them" on Saturday, but it's funny that we saw the dogs on Saturday and the chickens were killed on Sunday. Then, we saw 2 of the 3 that were supposedly "taken off" today. GRRRR. Makes me mad when people will not take responsibility for their animals and my chickens have had to suffer for it.

OK - getting off my soapbox now.

Have not gotten near as much accomplished today as I would like to get done. The girls got most of the dishes done, and I've been working on Mt. Washmore. We also went to Wal-Mart for my bi-weekly shopping trip, but since I was about out of everything, it was quite an expensive trip.

Right now, I have a killer sinus headache so I think I'm going to bed early. Have a great night, everyone!
Mt Washmore....Cute!!!

Wonderful squares 1momma

I don't do snakes!!
Thank God, I don't see them much!

Great job with the student!!
My granddaughter, who is 3 took a interest in grammas crochet
. So cute. I am working on a baby afghan for my daughter right now & she will act like she is crocheting if I leave my stuff sit when I get up. So on Friday, she was being a stinker. I told her to climb up on the couch & sit with gramma a while. I noticed she was watching me hook. So I got her out some yarn & my case of hooks & let her play around, she sat there for the longest time. That was the best time out I have ever had.

Clocks go back an hour tonight
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