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That's the way we get the girls to do new things, we watch to see what they are interested in, er I mean, messing around with. Well, if the interest is there, learn how to do it right, just so I don't get so mad for messing it up and or ruining it later. lol
well ladies their coming in, in groups just a few more people to go and I will have everyones, and then will get them all back out to you so ya'll can make so wanderful christmas presents.

wegotchickens sorry to hear you are under the weather sure hope you get to feeling better soon.

No Chicks I have a 3 year old that can make a chain and has just learned to turn and start back across now. shes doing really good. and the 7 yr old is doing really good to but is learning to work on her paticence. LOL! and thinks for reminding me about the clocks turning back, I had already forgot, that would have been funny as haley would have been out there at 5:45 in the morning waiting for the bus. LOL! she would have totally killed me. To funny

eastTNchicks sorry to hear about your chickens, dogs are sooooo rotten with chickens, ours has done a good number on our flock in the past year or two so they are now looking for a new home.

Now everyone should be very proud of their squares they all look really super nice, so everyone I want you to be proud of your sleves ya'll have done a super great job on them. well I must go play ref as the girls are fussing again for the umtenth time today. NO MORE CANDY!!!!!! LOL!!!!!. must go put my witch hat on and turn them in to two little chickens. LOL :> :> well ya'll have a great evening and take care Maw.
hUmmm chicks rule are you thinking what I'm thinking, CHICKEN SWAP! LOL LOL LOL how far are you from branson, cuz we try to go there every year for christmas lights.

No chicks she just picked it up quick by watching me, I usally do the first 3 loops for her to get her started and give her something to hold on to and then she just gets after it then when she comes to the point she has to turn she come to me and we do it togather but shes really got the hang of it, but then again shes been watching me do it for about a year and working on just the basic chain for about 6months.

well ladies I guess I am going to go work on my plastic recycled tote bag so I will chat with ya'll later Maw
My gramma taught me after my mm tried and failed. Guess most of that was my mom didn't do it often enough to hold my attention, but gramma was always crochetting. After she taught me to make headbands that were 20 miles long, mom took over and taught me granny square.
lol Thinking I should have made them teach me other patterns, but my gramma is the one that looks at the pattern and figures it out, ACK! I can't even read the pattern and figure it out!
Well maybe one day then she will be my little crocheter.

One of my grandmas knew embroidary, the other skand was like your grandma. She couldn't read much of anything, but you give her a pattern to look at & she could figure that right out. Me if I get stuck on a pattern. I have hubby read it to me & most of the time I can get it after that.


Please do not feel obligated just because you belong to the crochet swap! NO OBLIGATION!!!

Rules:Sign - Up Closes: November 15th

Secret Santa Items: Must be a HANDMADE item of reasonable cost or investment. For example .... if I were to crochet a long scarf out of nice yarn and add a spider ornament to that, I would think that would be a nice gift...if I made a record bowl with the crocheted washcloths and the music cd and music soap like I plan to make for my co-workers, that would seem like a nice gift to me all are talented and what you make does not need to cost much, just be thoughtful about it and it will mean the world to whoever gets it, I'm sure

Santa Assignment: On November 16th, every person on the list will be sent the name of their "secret" person. Please do not reveal which name you have!!! It is a "SECRET"!!! I will send you the name and address of your "secret" person and you will be required to make them something and have it shipped to them no later than December 15th. Only after or during shipping are you to reveal to the person that you are their Secret Santa!!

How to sign up: Send me a pm with your name and address and you will be added to the list. Only myself and the person you are assigned to will be given your name and address.

Feel free to save your present until Christmas or open it when you get it..either way, please take a picture and share the fun experience with the rest of us!!! The main objective here is to have fun with this project..simple, easy and fun!!!

This would be a great time to recruit new members to this thread!!


1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) Organizer
2. Mawchickkide - (Jessica)
3. Athena - (Athena)
4. EastTnChick- (Steph)
5. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
6. AmyQuilt - (Amy)
7. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
8. No Chicks Here - (Susan)
9. Risurocket - (Shanah)
10. Guitarists - (Angie)
11. TB1 - (Teri)
12. Skand - (Stephanie)
At least yours will read it to you! Jim just looks at me and says, that's why I don't crochet! What's even worse, he can crochet! And needlepoint, and everything else that I want to learn, but will he show me?.........................nooooooooooooooo!
He's like that dog, you know, the one that knows every trick, but won't do them when you brag about it to people. ugh, lol
Well I have not posted in oh so long and I wanted see how the swap is going and how everyone is faring. I took on a big project for myself and I just completed it so now I'll have some time to browse a little.

I have 2 grown sons and 2 SIL. When I say grown, the youngest is 38!!!! The oldest is 51!!! A couple of them have complained that the afgans they have around the house are not big enough (they are all big guys!)
So I decided to do personalize 5' by 6' afgans for them. NEVER AGAIN!!! They average 22,000 stitches in each one.
But I had to show them off so here they are. Just click on the thumbnail for larger image.

Here are all 4

This is for the musician in the family

This is for the Green Bay fan

This is for the OU graduate (Oklahoma)

And this is for the NASCAR fan (He loved LaBonte in his old car)

So I hope all is well with everyone.
Jacies your welcome,
I've been knitting a blanket for my grandaughter for at least a year now and its nowhere near done.
I get distracted and go to something else and then forget
And I'm on byc way too much to get anything done. It was so hard to get my squares done my DD kept saying "hey, don't you have squares to finish"
otherwise I would never have got them done.
I've already started on the spring swap,cause I'm sooo bad I figured I better.
Jacie those are great afghans! Welcome back! Good to see you!
Purr, I am right there with you in that as soon as my christmas projects are done, I will be starting my spring swap squares.

Hope everyone has a great night. No news from here tonight.
SE, and Maw, I hope to get to the post office tomorrow...
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