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think I'm going to smack my email upside the harddrive..grr...
Took a pic of the blanket I'm working on for Caydence (the almost4 year old) , trying to get it so I can post it, it wont show up yet..grr
Anyways, it looks similar to the shawl I want to do, just where it does the line above the last, you alternate on doing through the hole, and then under it, so it looks kind of wavy, almost kinda baskety. (yeah I know, my descriptions read like directions) Foreign language.
Likely you are talking about a basket weave which alternates groups of front and back posts. Have you tried the videos on you tube? Also ...the videos are alot easier than someone trying to expalin to you. I learned to knit with videos..didn't learn to really "like" it though, lol!!!! But yeah, it's so much easier to see it done than to try and interpret instructions..check out for crochet instructions..or come visit me awhile and I'll teach you!!! We can sip blueberry vodka and hook!!!
ahhh but every now and again, a good drunk needs that cold floor, just for a lil while.
It's been so long since we last drank, think it was before summer really kicked in, or wait, that was last year's summer. See, told ya it's been awhile!
I'm just now learning the whole canning process, my pressure cooker, never used, had it over a year. It's out of the box at least. I really need one of those water bath canners, can't find any here.
This year is when I've found my pioneer-gene. I really want to get into that whole, grow and raise it yourself thing, problem being, I'm too much of a wal-mart groupie!!
Wu-hoo.. he's napping, Caydence is napping, and so far, I've ch'd 54! I'm on my way! It goes from shoulder/collarbone to inside of elbow, think that's a good width for a shawl, or should I add a couple more?
It's one from my afghan I haven't finished, nor prolly will. Um It's Claret colored, 4 ply. I have two skiens of it, then also 2 of gem-stone. When would I switch colors? Or do you think I will have to change? I'm using the original shawl instructions on the first page. seems easiest. lol
SE I keep getting that monster mash song in my head about em's falling.."Do the mash, the mangled mash..."!!!
just in my head
All over again Shame on you. Now I will have that song going through my head all day.
wuhoo.. I got far enough along to switch colors! Man I hope this turns out looking okay, I'll see it on the pastor's wife, and everytime think to myself, man that needs to be 4 ft wider and it would be an awesome afghan!
Christine and her mother Wynnis, quilt, so I figure I'd crochet them these shawls.
Question... There is an elderly lady that goes to church with us, she lives in a nursing home, what could I make for her for Christmas, and still have time to make? Every year, our church buys a bunch of those mu-mu's, slipper socks, etc for the residents. Ms. Naomi can't really see, so it would have to be a texture above all project. She uses a walker, so a wheelchair sized blanket wouldn't work well. oh and let's not begin to start talking sweaters, my idea of slippers for myself turned into barbie -sized skirts and tanktops.
The mangled mash ...

Would you believe there's not a BIT of that scratch left in the run? Those gals better start giving me some eggs. I bought another bag today, but wore my sneakers up to the run, so the bag made it safely into the feed bin.

Maw, you should be getting my squares and day now.

Well, off to catch up on some TV. Our DVR is close to full. Time to pour a glass of wine, get my crochet out and watch the TV for a while.

Night ladies!!

Skand, sounds like you are doing very well! For Ms. Naomi, what about a bag or something she can tie onto her walker, that she can carry her "stuff" around in. Mammaw loved hers that a friend gave her. She kept tissues, her devotion booklet, and the great-grand's pictures in there. It made it convenient to keep them with her. You could make it out of fleece or any "interesting" texture. If you want it to have a crochet element, you could do large grannies for the outside and line it with something easy to clean. Make the ties out of the lining material.
Being here is beginning to get me into that "crafty" mood. I'm actually ready to start thinking about Christmas. Christmas???
OMG - that's only seven weeks away. I need to get started NOW!!!!!
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