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Good luck Maw!! Dont buy them unless they are adorable!
Ugh... gotta spend all day deciphering these directions.. I know I can do this pattern, just the directions confuse me...

With "K" (or smaller) hook, make foundation of 97 chains for 24 groups of 3 dc stitches; a total of 74 stitches on each Row 3. Chain 1, turn work.
(Note: foundation is in multiples of 4 chains plus 1. Width can also be adjusted by using 89 chains for 22
groups with total of 68 dc stitches; or using 93 chains for 23 groups with total of 71 dc stitches in Row 3.)

Row 1: Work in back loop of chains. Single crochet in first 4 chains, chain 1, skip 1 chain, *work single crochet in next 3 chains, chain 1, skip 1 chain*; repeat from * to * across foundation, end with single crochet in last 4 chains. Chain 1, turn work.

Row 2: Continue with same hook. Sc in first sc of Row 1, *ch 3, skip 3 sc, and sc in ch-1 space of row below*, repeat from * to * across row; end with sc in last sc of Row 1. This is back side of your shawl. Chain 3, turn work.

Row 3: Switch to "L" (or smaller) hook to stitch balance of shawl body. Now and hereafter on all repeats of Row 3, the turning chain 3 counts as first double crochet of Row. *Work 3 dc stitches in ch-3 space of row below*; repeat from * to * across row; end with dc in top of sc st at the end of previous row. There are 4 dc or 3 dc and tc3 on each end of Row 3. Chain 1, turn work.

Row 4: Sc in last dc of previous row; *ch 3, skip 3 dc, sc between two groups of 3 dc*; repeat from * to * across row; end with sc between last group of 3 dc and turning chain 3 (1st dc). This is the back side of your shawl. Chain 3, turn work. (Reminder: measure width after working second Row 4; if necessary, adjust for all variables.)

Repeat Row 3 and Row 4 until shawl reaches desired length. Shawl should measure 68 or 69 inches at this point.
Switch to "K" hook (or hook first used) to finish shawl and work the last repeat of a Row 4. Chain 1, turn work.
(Note: the ruffled scallops on both ends will add about 3 inches to total length.)

Final Row: Sc in sc st at end of previous row; *3 sc in ch-3 space, ch 1, skip next sc*, repeat from * to * across row; end with sc in sc st at end of previous row. This is the front side of shawl. Do not cut yarn!

Binding Off Round: Continue with "K" (or smaller) hook; chain 1 and mark it as first stitch of Binding Off Round.

First Edge -- Turn work so edge faces you. *Sc into sc at end of last Row 4; work 2 sc sts over last dc of each Row 3 and sc into last sc of each Row 4; repeat from * to * along length; sc into sc at end of Row 2; sc over last stitch at end of Row 1.

First End - Turn work so end faces you; sc, chain 1 in first ch of foundation; *skip next ch; and in the center ch of 3 sc group, work triple crochet stitch, chain 1 three times; skip next ch; sc and chain 1 in ch-1 space*; repeat from * to * across the foundation; end with sc in last chain of foundation.

Second Edge - Turn work so second edge faces you; sc into stitch at end of Row 1; sc into sc at end of Row 2; *work two sc sts over turning ch 3 (1st dc) of each Row 3; sc into sc at end of each Row 4*; and repeat from * to * along length of second edge; sc into sc at end of last Row 4; end with sc into stitch at the end of Final Row.

Second End - Turn work so second end faces you; sc into same st as above of Final Row; ch 1; *skip 1 sc; and in center sc of 3 sc group, work triple crochet stitch, chain 1 three times; skip next sc; sc and chain 1 in the ch-1 space below*; repeat * to * across Final Row; end with skip 1 sc; sc into sc at end of Final Row.

Slip stitch into marked chain 1 stitch at the beginning of Binding Off Round; leave 5" length of yarn, cut yarn; draw thru loop and tighten. Securely weave this yarn end through the previous stitches of shawl body to conceal yarn end and prevent it unraveling during laundering.
Stitch your name label at the center of neck edge on the back side of shawl.
uhhh...okay, yeah sure, I get it, NOT! lol
The sad part, I looked and looked at everyone, and that was the easiest! It looks like the stiches I know how to do, but those directions blow my mind like no other!!
If someone sat down with me, I can follow. If you show me step by step pictures, I can follow. Tell me chain 3 loop 4 I'm lost!
What does dc mean? sc? Chain means just the single line right?
Uh? Do What? Chain where? foundation is in multiples of 4 chains plus 1 WHat? Huh? Uh, I don't get it Big Dan?
I just don't get it?
SK, I don't think I could decipher that one either.
anyone that can is much much higher on the crochet chain than I.
PHEW!! so glad it's not just me. I think they were telling the directions to someone, and that someone is one of those court reporters, ya know, the ones that use shorthand, and it's only understandable by them.
Thanks Scoot, I'll see if that makes it easier for me. Wait, what does double crochet mean to do? and single?
lol I told yall at the beginning I will try every last ounce of patience you offer. But here's a big ole hug for ya
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okay, time to gear up and get this started. I think my nerves are what's going to make me ruin this project. If I do face it like I face my kitchen everyday, I can stare it down, knock it out and get it over with, otherwise, I'll cringe and hide. I have a motto when I try out making bread... act like you know what your doing, otherwise, the yeast wins, and whew aint there a huge flour fight when that happens.
Bless your heart, Skand!
That pattern is much harder than it needs to be. I sure didn't mean to get you confused!!
A much easier way to do this would be using an "H" hook and 3 or so skeins of yarn.
Chain about 20-24 inches (make your # of chain stitches a multiple of three, then add two).
Beginning in 2nd chain from the hook, half-double crochet in every stitch. Chain 2, and turn. Repeat until shawl is about "hug length". If you wrap it around you, it should reach about from fingertip to fingertip.

hdc - Yarn over, insert hook through chain, yarn over & pull through stitch. Yarn over & pull through all three loops on your hook.

I hope this makes a little sense!
You have one more Maw that isn't on the list..zendragon, Tara..she sent me an email for your address, which is at work and she must have missed you so I asked shanah to send it to her....nice to see everyone finishing up!!! Yeah, you need about 4 weeks Angie on the hooch fermenting, so get that going pretty soon here. I love, love love a white russian so the kahlua with directions for a white russian or even a mudslide can be attached to the bottle and should be a nice gift. I think the blueberry vodka should be good over ice, maybe with a spash of raspberry liquor..and the atomic smoothie idea actually sounds pretty good Lori!!! The cherries crack me up!!! I got so tanked off the fruit in p.j. in my senior year of high school I let the tub run over in the bathroom, covered the floor and was down the hall with me standing there in a drunken stupor while my parents thought of ways to kill me!!!! Never been able to drink that purple jesus white liquor crap since, lol!!!!! Those were the days, loL!!!!!!

Trying to get a giant batch of muscadines made into grape hull preserves today..this is my second batch in two weeks but the last of the grapes. Someone at work obviously has an awesome vine and doesn't use the grapes so I was lucky enough for her to bring them to me. Tastes like welch's grape juice but is the consistency of jam, with the cooked hulls too..yummy!!!! I canned salsa last weekend..trying to get this christmas stuff down to a manageable level, not that I really have that many folks to do for but enough that the canning will be a big part of what I give. Canned alot of the apple butter already and someone gave me pears a month or so ago and made preserves with those. Will add jerky and toasted pecans and that should be good.

I love the look of those prayer shawls LC! I think they would nice to use with a winter coat, like a big scarf. Great idea there.

Keep asking Skand, alot of eggspert crocheters here to help you!!

I keep getting that monster mash song in my head about em's falling.."Do the mash, the mangled mash..."!!!

Love ya'll!!!!



Please do not feel obligated just because you belong to the crochet swap! NO OBLIGATION!!!

Rules:Sign - Up Closes: November 15th

Secret Santa Items: Must be a HANDMADE item of reasonable cost or investment. For example .... if I were to crochet a long scarf out of nice yarn and add a spider ornament to that, I would think that would be a nice gift...if I made a record bowl with the crocheted washcloths and the music cd and music soap like I plan to make for my co-workers, that would seem like a nice gift to me all are talented and what you make does not need to cost much, just be thoughtful about it and it will mean the world to whoever gets it, I'm sure

Santa Assignment: On November 16th, every person on the list will be sent the name of their "secret" person. Please do not reveal which name you have!!! It is a "SECRET"!!! I will send you the name and address of your "secret" person and you will be required to make them something and have it shipped to them no later than December 15th. Only after or during shipping are you to reveal to the person that you are their Secret Santa!!

How to sign up: Send me a pm with your name and address and you will be added to the list. Only myself and the person you are assigned to will be given your name and address.

Feel free to save your present until Christmas or open it when you get it..either way, please take a picture and share the fun experience with the rest of us!!! The main objective here is to have fun with this project..simple, easy and fun!!!

This would be a great time to recruit new members to this thread!!


1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) Organizer
2. Mawchickkide - (Jessica)
3. Athena - (Athena)
4. EastTnChick- (Steph)
5. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
6. AmyQuilt - (Amy)
7. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
8. No Chicks Here - (Susan)
9. Risurocket - (Shanah)
10. Guitarists - (Angie)
11. TB1 - (Teri)
12. Skand - (Stephanie)
13. Jacie's Coop - (Jacie)
14. Lutheranchick - (Kay)
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Yeah, pretty much. Just long & narrow.
Speaking of a baby afghan, as soon as I finish what I'm working on now, I've got to get started on one of those. One of our counselors is expecting a boy in early Feb. I'm just trying to decide what kind to do. I'm thinking a huge granny looks good right now. But I may find something different in the next week or so.
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