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Yuck!!! I still have stuff in boxes from the last time I moved. I hate unpacking. DH thinks we should throw away all unopened boxes, as we obviously didn't need the stuff. But my pack-rat mentality says keep every box!!!!

Thanks for understanding and being supportive everyone!

Now I just hope Maw gets my box and it's not stuck to someone else's mail!
Good morning, everyone! It's going to be a beautiful day in NC - they are calling for mid-70's and sunny. In a couple of months, I'll be envious of anyone with snow, but today, I'm glad to be in the south!!
I have about half of my prayer shawl finished, and started piecing it together last night, just to see how I want to do it. I'll try to post a picture when I finish it.
Ya'll try to be a little more careful. I'm hoping the clumsies are not contagious via the internet. I tend to catch them every time they are going around.

And, scrambled, I'd love to have your recipe for blueberry vodka. We had an abundance of blueberries this summer, and the freezer is full!
Yeah, I do think the clumsies are on the move. Hopefully, moving away! *sending clumsy vibes to Antartica* slide penguins, slide!

Hurry up LC, post pics, I wanna see! I wanna see! How in the world do you get the patience to get that much done so quickly?

Just think We got... If all else goes horribly wrong, your squares end up on other peoples mail, and they get an awesome extra present! I know I would love to get my electricity bill with a pretty present attached. It might make me pay it sooner.

Well have fun everyone, I'm off to beat a child, finish laundry, and get my toes a pair of socks...
Ziplock baggies with a WeGotChickens sticker on it and a square inside floating around the PO. Yeah, that would draw some attention. They'd wonder what we smoked out of the bag before the square went in...

Too bad my e-mail address isn't on the stickers so we could play a hooker version of Where'sGeorge.
I'm doing this shawl in squares, so it's going very quickly. I did a lot Tuesday night while the political #$%^& was on.
Oh, and don't beat the child too hard! Just a dusting off of the behind!!

Gotta get back to work. See ya'll later...
hi girls! still typing one handed -
The clumsies are still around here... smashed my toe today trying to get pumpkins broken for the chickens.

I think that is the last of it though.

Good luck with the Job, Em! I did laugh pretty hard when you described being covered in chickens. Hope you weren't hurt.

Need to go re-wrap the finger and lay low with the rain. Wonder if I can figure out how to hook with this gimpy finger after all... Oh and Wegot - don't worry you are nowhere near as short as I was. I apologize in advance for those of you who don't get my newby squares. I will make up for it in the spring. promise!
I'm not alone? Phew. I feel better.
Although, I would've been shorter had I weeded out the slightly small ones. DH was putting them in the baggies for me. He looked up and said, "Wow, some of these fit in the baggies a lot easier than the other."
I make falling an olympic sport!

LOL!!!! I can soooooo relate to that!!!! I thought my name was Grace until I was 12 since that's all my paents called me for as clumsy as I was!!!! lol!!Sounds like Shanah is our clumsy little sister too, lol!!!

LC....that blueberry vodka could not be easier...fill a bottle with vodka, I used medium priced vodka, and put a cup or so of blueberries in the bottle, add about a 1/2 cup sugar and cover the top with tulle/cheescloth or something breathable but bug-proof and sit somewhere cool and dark for a month, then strain out the blueberries (I bet eating them or using them in food would be interesting, lol!!!) and bottle your hooch for gifts!!! I look forward to the kahlua as I personally love that coffee flavor!!! I am saving my frappacino bottles to sterilize and reuse for my liquor gifts..the frap. bottles have nice screw on tops I can cover with something crafty. Better make your hooch soon or you wont have a month to let it "work" with the sugars

Working on washcloths tonight trying to finish those up to go with my soap gifts.

Those prayer shawls are awesome..nice gift idea there!!

"Wow, some of these fit in the baggies a lot easier than the other."

LOL Lori!!!!​
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