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Hi Purr~ A blankie sounds like a great idea. I was just thinking the same thing. I saved all my squares from the last BYC spring swap, so maybe I'll add them all together. I can always use a blankie to snuggle up with in the up-coming brrrr cold weather.

It's beautiful here today, but cold weather is heading our way.
I'm not ready just yet.

I like Mawchicks idea of her "Friendship Robe". I can't wait to see it.
Hi Girls I was thinking of a jacket or sweater if I can figure one out. Hey a blanket sound nice and comfy too. Kinda of cool and windy here have a chance of thunder storms later
not looking forward to that, it could have stayed in the upper 60's to lower 70's a while longer. Oh well gotta have some cold winter to kill off the bad stuff and refresh the new. Hope everyone else is having a nice day.
hi gals, smashed my finger in the car door - new car attacked me- typing one handed - will lose nail and no hooking for me for awhile.

hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather! Cuddle up for the cold coming for those of you in the cold.

Gonna go rest my finger...
night all!
Hey all!!!! Hope the hookin is goin well!!!! I can't seem to find enough time for anything lately, guess I am not used to the time change yet!!!! Lookin forward to gettin my squares too but will probably save them to go with my spring ones. ...gotta share the computer with the college kid tonight..later ya'll
Ouch Ris! Don't you know your suppose to keep the finger out of the way, it is not a door stop.

Sounds like some great ideas, with the squares. Can't wait to see what you all come up with.
Well our weather was windy today, we had a chance of storms but it has missed us so far. However they are talking snow
. Highs to be 30's & 40's
Well have a good evening all.
Tonight DH asked me about the roll of white tape I left on the desk. I used it to seal the box holding my squares. I thought it was really tough white duct tape.

Seems it's 2-sided tape for keeping carpets in place on our hardwood floors.

Uh oh.

Luckily, the second side is a beyotch to peel the paper off of. I tested it.

NOWHERE on the roll did it say it was 2-sided tape!!

However, given the extreme care with which the PO handles packages, well, my squares could end up stuck to the OUTSIDE of the box rather than the inside!


Let me also confess that my box was a couple of squares short. I had excellent intentions and plenty of time. Then I lost a battle with a tomato cage, fell off my raised garden bed, and totally wrenched my shoulder in a bad way. A teary, miserable, had DH kissing my behind and fetching the heating pad kind of way.
So Maw, feel free to short my return box to make up for my failings, okay? Because there are only 26 squares in my box. I'm a bad, bad girl

DH says I need to cut back on my commitments because I get too much going and then I can't do well at any of them. Much as I'd like to
I have to admit he may be a teeny bit accurate.
Dunno. Din't some people send in twice as many? Maybe they'll deal them like cards until the 'deck' is used up?

Anyway, I should get less than everyone else for SURE.
Hey, wegot, don't feel bad.

I was all dressed up for a job interview this morning and saw the 2 fifty pound bags of feed and scratch in the van when I got ready to leave.

In my infinite wisdom, I drove the van up to the coop, threw the scratch over my shoulder and made my way into the run. The heel of my shoe snagged in a stray piece of chicken wire.

I tripped, staggered, thought I had my balance, and took another step, only to realize my heel was STILL in the wire. I went down like a ton of bricks, the bag of scratch exploded all over me, and I was covered in chickens, who were all trying to get this wondrous gift of 50 pounds of scratch.

I did manage to escape unharmed, other than the ground in chicken poo on my nice pants suit. I made the interview on time as well.

I can't wait to explain the stains to the dry cleaner.

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