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Maw - squares comin' atcha ... prority mail. I got to the post office around 4:00. The lady at the desk said you should have 'em by Friday.

We've had an insane week, and it's only Tuesday.

There's a crazy feral kitten prowling around for three days, yowling it's fool head off. I've been trying to trap it, to no avail. I love kitties, but this kitten has me nuts. It's out there right now, just making a ruckus.

My husband hit one of the pipes on the top of the sandmound with the mower this afternoon and now we've got yucky poo water running out whenever the septic pump kicks on (
), so the septic is shut down until he can get it repaired in the AM.

And, this evening, as we were coming back from town, one of my egg customers shows up with a dog kennel full of the most battered, abused chickens I've ever seen.

Guess his sister rents a house out not too far from us, and the tenants left them when they were evicted from the property. The roo has some CRAZY growths on his legs. I've got them in the shed for tonight (my husband will LOVE that) because I don't want them anywhere near my girls.

So, off to clean and then get some sleep...

Hope you catch the kitty Em!! Have a great day all!! What an awesome historic morning we wake up to today..thankful to see this day shatter the glass ceilings in my lifetime!! I have restored faith in America today folks! Have an awesome day everyone!!! Hook on!!!

I was up last night to see how the rest of the country voted.

And as the crowds I saw on TV I also

And I feel for that since the 1960's this country has a bright new chance to make a great difference and get things right.
as SE said I have restored faith in America today
I fell like this That everything is fresh and good
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Mornin everyone!!!!!
busy day here today...i need to ,,,,,,
LOL by then i'll be exhausted!!
well off to start the day. i'll check in later!
yep I agree SE & Karanleaf!

Morning Queen!
& everyone else that hasn't entered in yet, have a good day. Lots to do here today, but I am feeling lazy. So maybe it will be a hooking good day!

Morning Purr, how is the new med doing for you?
Aren't you glad the election is finally over? Seems like we've been hearing about it forever!!!
I started a new prayer shawl over the weekend, and have it about half done. Since it's lunchtime, and the school cafeteria is serving mystery meat today, I think I'll fix a few pb crackers & finish a square or two!
Everyone have a great day!!!
Oh, you don't even want to know how bad it can be! (Anyone who's ever worked in public schools can describe it to you, I'm sure!) Today's meat is called "chuckwagon" steak, but I'm not sure exactly WHAT part of any animal looks/tastes like this stuff. My boys used to say our "chicken patties" were "pre-gurgitated"! I think I'll stick to peanut butter!!
Holy Moly
I thought I had logged on to the wrong site for a min. Then I had to figure out where our thread was located.
That a teach me to stay away for sooooooooo long.

Here's a big welcome to all the new comers on the "Hooker's Corner".

Life has been so busy & hectic for me. I was busy with relatives in town all last week, the usual critter and kids stuff. The family invaded my house many times for get togethers...sometimes when I wasn't even home.

My darn dryer has died.
I'm thinking it might only be the heating element, but dh has been to slammed w/ work to take a looksy at it.

I have many pages to go back and read. Can't wait to see what projects people have posted.

I'm getting so excited about receiving a square from everyone. So what is everyone going to make with theirs???

Just wanted to say a quick hello!

Have a great day!

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