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Hey, ya'll... While you're praying for Scoot & dh, please remember my ds's friend, Corey. He & another young man were in an accident last night. The other man was killed, and Corey is @ Baptist Hospital on a ventilator.
Aaron asked me to ask all ya'll to keep Corey in your thoughts & prayers.
And, Scoot, tell dh to hang in there. We'll pray that the antibiotics do the job. How's the mouthy teenager handling this? They tend to get mouthier the more worried they are. Be patient. That does get better. Eventually. So they tell me...
So sorry Scoot, it's really hard when the person you depend on to get by day to day, in all ways, is in a helplessly sick situation. We are all here to support you in any way that we can. Hoping and praying for the best outcome to this situation with your husband.
Prayers for your DH's friend too LC. And anyone else who is not feeling well and/or in the hospital or otherwise shut in. Hope everyone feels better soon!

Scoot here is a special Hug Coupon for ya and it does not expire.

You know we are all praying for your DH and you too. We love ya

Give your Husband Our Best Hugs.

Just thought i'd peek in to see if there was any news.

Everyone's sooo quite. ssshhhhh

Ya all just go back too sleep. Hopefully in morning we'll have some better news. sssshhhh


Hope everyone wakes up perkier than I did, and that today brings a brighter day!

my chicks just went crazy and sounded like they were tap dancing)
Morning gals sorry I wasn't in yesterday, and probley won't e for the next couple a days as I am sick. Not really sure what it is, but my head feels like its going to pop like a balloon, my ears constantly ringing, my nose is either running or will be stopped up, my chest well I have a sharpe pain on the right side under my boob, and it hasn't gone away in over 12 hrs, but other then that pain my chest dosn't hurt, nothing else any lower hurt either, but my stomach is making the awfulest nosie, and I have eaten but it is still talking. So I am going to stay in bed for a few days in hopes that it will let up and go away since me and the dh don't have health insurance. So I am going to take it as easy as I can in hopes at staying out of the ER or hospital. But I did ask dh to post for me yesterday and he said he got in to the main forum and took one look and said he was lost. So he didn't post for me, but I was able to get on on a trip to the kitchen for some hot tea, dh was in the restroom so I just stole it for a min to check my pms and emails. so I am sure I will have a ton of reading to catch up on later.

Queen I hope ya'll are doing ok, I didn't read any posts so I don't know but we are still thinking of ya'll.

and I will have the rest of the packages going out tomorrow, when dh runs to town so they will be on their way shortly. well gals take care everyone I am thinking of ya;ll and missing ya'll and will be back in a day or two. Just have to think of me health, for the kids and all. so tons of sleep and rest, and a touch of hooking here and there, when my eyes arn't so loop from the meds. LOL! that would be a new form of hooking all in its self there. LOL! well later gals and take care and my god bless each and everyone of you. Maw.

I must have another cup cause

aaahhhhh now that's better...... aaaaahhhhhh

Oh Rocket By the way really sweet looking fuzzies ya got there. You know I heard this going on earier maybe that's why your chicks were dancing

Well gals I did get more done on my circles late last night I think I'm in the home streach now, I gota couple more things to finish on my SS I had almost forgot about some thing so I will be working on that in next couple of days then boxing it up ...
There is just sooo little awake time and soo much to do in greenhouse, at work, regular chores, Christmas gifts to finish, and finding time to eat and sleep, Boy thats hard when ya got all the meetings and speical Church activites, school programs ect.... Wow ya all don't have those schedules though do ya????

Yeah Right!!! I know all of ya are as buzy or buzier... Well then.

I had to put some Bling in for Scoot as we know she has a lot on her plate right now.

Queen Scoot just hang in there and we are all here for ya.

Well gota get dressed and some breakfast. I don't think I should wear my jammies to the Courthouse.. Sheriff might arrest me, heheheh. NOT, I won't be lucky enough to get out of work that easy.

Maw I hope ya get to As well as Scoot DH too
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Good news here this morning. DS's friend, Corey, is still in icu, but dr's say he will be okay & will probably be moved to a hospital closer in a few days. Dr expects a full recovery.
Thanks, God! Now, we all ask for the same prognosis for Scoot's dh! And let Maw feel better soon too. Amen!!!
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