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mine's boxed up... waiting on a trip out of the house... hehe Tomarrow I've got to volunteer at the Holiday Fair, so, cross fingers I remember to go up 52nd street before I get to Grandview Ave. lol

oh, before I forget...
here's my goodie box...

and here's my goodies....

I got a cork wreath, a book to read to the girls, a Christmas spider to hang on my tree, a super fuzzy scarf, that the girls will steal from me, some awful good smelly soap (one shaped like a rooster), a rag Jim says I can't use (he says I cant ruin it), some earrings and stitch markers.
Oh and just because Jim has found a new reason to be mad at me.... a pic he dun know I took hehehe


Him trying out Alyssa's birthday bike.hehehe

hehe here's me... glaring at him
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skand: nice goodie box and that pic is priceless.
lol.png's the flu. Son has it now. He just went to sleep. I am right after Grey's Anatomy. Can't miss that.
My soup is no longer with me...if you know what I mean.

I was just sick last month for 2 weeks. No kidding. I'm the type that never gets sick and this is getting old.

Hope all us sickos get better. Take it easy. It is hard for me to be sick with 2 little ones but hopefully hubby will take pity on me and help. He didn't last time I was sick.

He's run out on an ambulance call right now.

Well I'm going to go lay down on the couch and relax. Good night to all. Take care.
sk - you are going to be in so much trouble!!! So enjoy your goodie box while you can - the girls will get all the goodies after Jim hides your body!

LMC - I hope you feel better soon. The flu is no fun at all!
Oh, and ris - I missed getting to the post office by about 5 minutes today. Gotta go pick up some pics @ lunchtime Friday, and will stop to mail it on the way.
Just wondering if ya'll's bugs really can travel via internet - my throat is starting to feel a little scratchy and my head is getting stopped up. Don't have time to be sick. Thankfully, Saturday is a free day unless we want to go see our nephew in the Christmas parade. Ummmm, maybe not.
To all who are not feeling well, including Scoot's dh & little Garrett,

Just thought I'd peek in and ask

that's about how mine has been

I figured I'd better take a quick read so I didn't get too far behind. I am sipping on some Theraflu right now. Thanks for saving me a place on the couch there Maw.
I hope I can make it through the day at the office tomarrow. I may get Jordan to come in early. Man I don't want to be sick
We have the Livestock Sympoisum this weekend and we always go. Good Food , great semianars, interesting folks to visit with and lots of great things to see...
just kinda bummin.

hopefully hubby will take pity on me and help. He didn't last time I was sick. hit rant so mad
He's run out on an ambulance call right now.

same with my DH , not taking pity and working on the county Amb, so how weird is that?
I got up and finished dinner and got it on the table and he didn't even offer to put dishes in dishwasher.

Momma I did get my pattern in the mail today thank You

nice get back on Jim hehehehe good shot

okie You are welcome we may wait till Feb to get started on the baby afghan so we will have better idea on how many squares.

Well gals I gota get to bed my head is really hurting...

Good night all of ya have pleasant dreams.
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Holy moly! All you sickies are making me feel a little paranoid *cough cough*! Yikes! I hope the germs stay in the 'puter.

I do not know how to add bling to my posts, so here's the best I can do for you all!
I hope the sick ones are better fast!

Skand....LOVE the pic of the1much on the bike. hehehehehehe.
Nice one!


That's for LmC!

Good morning, I am pretty sure one of my 4 week old peeps just tried to crow. It was the loudest (not Annoyed peep) I have ever heard. So, here I am at 4AM, scratching my puzzled head. It could have been Grizzly, as he's the most likely suspect, but he normally has a very quiet peep even when he's annoyed with me...

And good news, I am not sick, just allergic! I dusted my house last night and now I am feeling it, and I generally have allergy ick so wheee.... at least I am not sick. Some Vit C and good ole antihistimines should help.
Everyone else feel better Soon! This way, hopefully you have gotten it out of the way before Christmas.
*big Hugs* (my hug bling isn't loading

Have a great day! Today for me it's "finish the Christmas" shopping day.
Professor Rocket beat me to the key board this morning, lol!!! Early bird, must be researching something again!!! Good morning and thank you ever so sweetly for taking on the task of monitoring the Secret Santa whereabouts!!!!!!

Amy, other sickies, hope everyone gets well soon!!!! Virtual chicken soup to all..and hugs of course!!!! Queen Scoot...glad the hubby is home and apparently if you microwave anything in contact with hubby's germs you kill them deader than nuke away all the cloth and plastic things you can and keep yourself healthy!!!!

(wouldn't that translate to "sk - chair = scare?!" lol!! Scarey Spice maybe? lol!!!!!! You need for me to be your mother..someone needs to feed you you skinny girl!!! Tell Hippy Jim to pass the peas and stop eating them all himself!!! I am really happy that you like your box of loot, I did extra things for you since Hippy Jim was so kind to donate two Mascots to that effort others don't think you have to do so much..course you can if you want, not saying that, but you know what I mean!! Anywya, you are most welcome and I would be so honored if the spider becomes a part of your Christmas tradition and sits in your tree every year!!!! Merry Christmas Scarey Spice!!!!

Karan, you are da bomb for taking on the baby square project, thank you immensely!!!!! Now Okie, look closely and see how many buns are in the oven!!! Two would be very cool!! Do you have other kids are is this the first preggers for you?

Jennifer, nice to hear from you , Erin the same...Perched..girl you need to have the smallest post count I've ever seen!!! Kim...girl I miss you alot!!! Sorry you have computer woes but the library is a good option!!! No chicks, Em, Jacie, other stray hookers, come home to the corner more often, we love to hear from you evn if you are juct checking in!!!

Can't wait for Maw to get a picture of her Secret Santa gift..don't want to spill the beans for her but I am certain it is gorgeous!!!!! Picture!!! Picture!!! Picture!!!

Your mailing deadline is the 15th so I hope everyone makes that...and again please post when you send and receive so Professor Rocket can note it on the running talley she has. Thank you again PR (Shanah the research professor!!)

Need to let my chicken ramp down so I will catch up with ya'll later, have a great day all!!
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Sign-Ups are now Open!


Theme: "Anything Goes" Feel free to experiment and challenge your skills for this swap! Hexagons, Circles, Squares, Triangles, or "Other" crocheted shapes are all welcomed!! (No amigurumi in this swap.)

Color: Any! Mix it up or stay the same, up to you!

Size: 6" minimum - 12" maximum. Try to be consistent though, for example, all of your squares should be pretty near the same size, all of your circles should be pretty near the same size....

Pattern: Any! Feel free to mix up your patterns and make every square different or every hexagon different, or all the same, up to you!

Number: As many as there are participants in the swap.

Dates: Chat and gab and get to know one another in this thread. Post as often as you like! Official sign-up opens on February 1, 2009 and Closes on March 1, 2009. All items are due to me no later than May 1, 2009.

New folks are encouraged to visit with us here in this thread and post and get to know us! Chickens are not required, in fact several members of this group are not chicken owners! We are always happy to have new friends here in the crochet club! We'd love to have you join the fun, join the swap or any other projects that we have going on!!!!

When you have finished your Shapes, send me a pm and I'll send you my address so that you can mail in your work.

You will be required to send your crocheted shapes in individual ziplock bags with your username and real name on each bag. In addition, you will need to send $10.00 for Flat Rate return postage. Thanks so much!!!!!! Have fun!!!


Spring Swap Sign Up List:

1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) -Organizer
2. Mawchikkide - (Jessica)
3. RisuRocket - (Shanah)
4. CoffeeLady3 - (Dena)
5. NoChicksHere - (Susan)
6. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
7. Skand - (Stephanie)
8. Lutheran Chick - (Kay)
9. Head4dmtns - (Trish)
10. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
11. Amy Quilt - (Amy)
12. Mangled - (Em)
13. TB1 - (Teri)
14. Purr - (Terry)
15. Elcunni - (Erin)
16. 1MommaHen - (Lynda)
17. EastTnChick - (Steph)
18. Ginger Chic - (Amy)
19. Greenapple - (Lisa)
20. Alpaca Chick - (Bonnie)

just popping in for a minute, I went and picked up breastmilk from DD last night and brought it to the NICU where Garrett is and he actually did really good for his feeding. And I got to hold him for a couple of hrs. I'm going to do another run tonight.
DD said if he gets nipple confusion and won't breastfeed when she gets him back she's suing the insurance company and that's saying alot because we don't believe in sueing but this is important and maybe she can make a difference for future moms and babies.
k got to go get the 6 yr old ready for school.
thanks for all the support everyone your all such good friends
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