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Jaci..... Now I really want to know how old you are... But, to me, how blessed you are..with all the kids, grands and great grands.. you have led a greay, fullfilled life... Maybe one day, I can say the same!!!

Queen.... Thank you for that Christmas bling post... I loved it!!!!!!!!

((esp the one with the guy jumping out of the gift??... He looked my my old but, he would never be caught dead in a two piece..even for me!!!
awww, glad it got there safely I am so glad that by the time I mailed it, your DH was home.

gang? SE? Does this mean US???

Secret Santa Police: almost wrapped up!

1. SE - Mailed and received by Skand
2. Maw mailed, I think...
3. Athena
4. EastTn/Steph
5. Scoot - Mailed to Jennifer (newchickenfam)
6. Amy
7. Karan Mailed as soon as she feels better
8. No Chicks/Susan - Mailed
9. Rocket/Shanah - Mailed
10. Guitarists/Angie
11. TB!/Teri - Mailed (tracking number posted in post 3376) to AmyQ
12. Skand/Stephanie - Mailed
13. Jacie - Mailed and (received??) I think this one was received but is being held for opening.
14. LC/Kay - Mailed
15. NewChickenFam/Jennifer - Mailed
16. Elcunni/Erin - Mailed

Skand? I forget, did you say you mailed yours out? EastTN I think you might have said and I missed it too... Has anyone seen Angie lately? Hope you aren't sick or something, Angie! Athena, hope you have a good trip in Germany with your family and it sounds like you have great friends there who made your birthday special too. Let us know when you might be able to mail out your Secret Santa, if possible.
Okie? You always join the SS next year!
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here's the update they let DD out of the hospital a day early so she could go to the women & infants hospital to be with the baby.They gave her a social worker who is trying to get her a room at the Ronald McDonald house. They didn't let the baby go home today cause they said he wasn't peeing enough. I'm sure after breastfeeding that will be fixed. So DH grandson 6yr old Logan and I drove up to providence to give DD some money so she can eat and gave her some clothes I bought for the baby in case they let her bring him home soon and my cell phone.
With everything going on with the baby nobody noticed DH isn't feeling well and he won't go to the walk in.I think he has pneumonia.Men can be such backsidees sometimes.
Logan is watching power rangers thank god he's entertained for now. The 2 yr old is with her daddy thank goodness I'm too tired tonight for both of them.
Next year I think I'm going to do the SS does Santa like Yule?
DH brought me home a gift last night. It's an awesome hard cover book with beautiful pictures of chickens. Polish and Silkies and bantams and cochins soooo pretty.

edited to say (backsides? ) horses behind would have been better anyway you get the idea. silly puter mod
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get a metal coffee can, fill with water and put a big o' drop of vicks in it. Turn on stove, put homemade vaporizer on, and let the house fill up with good ole menthol air!!
Oh, and I read somewhere that if you slather some vicks on the bottoms of your feet, and add socks, while you sleep it'll keep ya from coughing all night long. Not sure how it feels if you get up to go pee during the night. Think it'd feel kinda squishy. lol

Dunno if santa likes yule, do know that I love a good jelly roll. lol
Glad to hear your news is all good on your side purr.

Risu, I mailed mine out. It'll be there before humpday next week. If not, feel free to shoot the mailman.
Whew glad to hear mama is with baby, Purr. Skand sounds like she has good advice with the vicks.

Thanks for the report, Sk, I edited the above list that was posted.
And as far as I go, I might try to declare an internet free zone for a few days so I stop getting distracted from my projects.
yeah right...but I did manage to get my laptop with me to curl up under the blankets and hide out for awhile...

good night, all!
Chicks Rule -

Purr, so happy DD was able to get out of the hospital to be with "little" Moose! Hope they both continue doing well so all can be home soon! Remind Dh that the two of you need to take care of yourselves too, okay?
Stephanie, skunks? eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! We had one take up residence under our bedroom window one fall. Wasn't too bad until the dog scared it! Don't think we every got the stink out of that house!
Ya'll enjoy the rest of your weekend - don't know if I'll be around Sunday or not. Seems like weekends are busier than weekdays around here!
I haven't heard anything about our thread being in jeopardy. My thinking, and again, jmo, is that our thread count helps bring new folks to the forum. The topic comes up on google searches in several ways with anything related to crochet and as you can see we have had people join our thread from that means...some without chickens, some never having heard of BYC before so with his buisness sense, I would doubt he would cut this thread..again, jmo and he has said nothing to me one way or the other. We are unique on the itnernet for being the only chicken related crochet group, probably in the world, so that status is pretty cool in it's own right. I dunno ya'll, I think we just continue on as we have unless we are told otherwise. Personally I think the overly yappy folks that make flock master numbers of posts off the games threads in a handful of months represent misleading amounts of chicken knowledge to new folks so I hope their post counts do get cut. If you look at when a person joins the forum and how high their post count is you have to wonder sometimes!! When I joined there was less than 4000 people and alot of those folks I feel like I know pretty well becasue we all chatted about the same amount and all have near numbers on our post counts, probably trust any of those folks with a chicken question...the new sky high post counters though, maybe a game question, lol!!! Anyway, Nifty will use his best judgement with our thread so no worries ya'll!!!!

Maw..please update the post on the first page by adding these last 3 names, thank you!!!

Added the first chocolate ring to my circles on the retro afghan from last night..pretty colors together!! I actually think the blue in the picture wouldbe prettier than I had thought it would, might do that for my daughter.

Awesome to hear from you Athena!! Belated Happy Birthday..would share hooch with you if you were home and yes you deserve alot of drinking when you get home!!!

Sign-Ups are now Open!


Theme: "Anything Goes" Feel free to experiment and challenge your skills for this swap! Hexagons, Circles, Squares, Triangles, or "Other" crocheted shapes are all welcomed!! (No amigurumi in this swap.)

Color: Any! Mix it up or stay the same, up to you!

Size: 6" minimum - 12" maximum. Try to be consistent though, for example, all of your squares should be pretty near the same size, all of your circles should be pretty near the same size....

Pattern: Any! Feel free to mix up your patterns and make every square different or every hexagon different, or all the same, up to you!

Number: As many as there are participants in the swap.

Dates: Chat and gab and get to know one another in this thread. Post as often as you like! Official sign-up opens on February 1, 2009 and Closes on March 1, 2009. All items are due to me no later than May 1, 2009.

New folks are encouraged to visit with us here in this thread and post and get to know us! Chickens are not required, in fact several members of this group are not chicken owners! We are always happy to have new friends here in the crochet club! We'd love to have you join the fun, join the swap or any other projects that we have going on!!!!

When you have finished your Shapes, send me a pm and I'll send you my address so that you can mail in your work.

You will be required to send your crocheted shapes in individual ziplock bags with your username and real name on each bag. In addition, you will need to send $10.00 for Flat Rate return postage. Thanks so much!!!!!! Have fun!!!


Spring Swap Sign Up List:

1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) -Organizer
2. Mawchikkide - (Jessica)
3. RisuRocket - (Shanah)
4. CoffeeLady3 - (Dena)
5. NoChicksHere - (Susan)
6. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
7. Skand - (Stephanie)
8. Lutheran Chick - (Kay)
9. Head4dmtns - (Trish)
10. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
11. Amy Quilt - (Amy)
12. Mangled - (Em)
13. TB1 - (Teri)
14. Purr - (Terry)
15. Elcunni - (Erin)
16. 1MommaHen - (Lynda)
17. EastTnChick - (Steph)
18. Ginger Chic - (Amy)
19. Greenapple - (Lisa)
20. Alpaca Chick - (Bonnie)
21. Jacie's Coop - (Jacie)

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