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Are we twins????? You sound like you take on as much as me, wow, I totally undertand busy like that! Nice to have you backin the thread, we missed you and were worried we might have run you off!!! Happy that isn't the case, post when you can.

Nice to hear from so many MIA hookers!! From here forward Rocket is the official Hooker Partner Committee Chair with the rest of us ebing her "committee"!! Her main job will be to assign a partner to the new folks so they aren't intimidated away from the thread or lost in the shuffle or otherwise not well integrated....thank you Professor Rocket for taking on this new role and I hope however she matches with whom will do a diligent job of keeping up with and helping their new person until they get as crazy chatty/comfortable as the rest of us!!!

Also, thank you Professor for all the great research the SS project..awesome work there!!

I've seen that pendant yarn cutter thingy, pretty cool! Never seen circular crochet hooks but they are probably like those circular knitting needles. I do wonder why you need two crochet hooks though?! Speed hookin?!

Well, goin back to bed a bit now that my dogs are sleepy again, lol! worse than little kids!!!

I think they are used either for doing larger pieces in the same method as with the double ended crochet hooks or for large pieces done in the Afghan stitch.

I think they are used either for doing larger pieces in the same method as with the double ended crochet hooks or for large pieces done in the Afghan stitch.

Well, for someone that can't walk and talk and chew gum at the same time, I would never be able to use those!!!!!
Morning..again!! Please make sure you complete and mail your Secret Santa gifts no later than the 15th as agreed, unless you have circumstances that have delayed your completion like Guitarists. Some are apparently delayed in transit and from what I saw in the PO yesterday that doesn't surprise me...the line was out the door, thank goodness I was able to use the machine for a stamp!!!

Can I borrow the cleaning fairy today??!!! I need her!!
Good morning - checking in. I have been reading every day at work, wow, it takes me all day to get caught up
SK, hope your daughter feels better today - my oldest 2 boys spent the first 4 years of life with ear infections until they outgrew it. SE - thanks for the PM. Hope everyone who wasn't feeling well is better. Everyone's projects are really great. I have been crocheting leg warmers, wrist warmers, knitting leg warmers and a hat. Everything is halfway done. Still need to make a couple of scarfs and finish a shawl for my mom (knitted from homespun alpaca). My DGD is over for the weekend and we are going to bake a bunch of cookies, made the dough last night and decorate the house. Not even one decoration up here yet
Congrats Okie on the pregnancy, Purr, beautiful grandson - I haven't had a new one in 3 years - need to get the kids moving - I love babies (could be why I had 6), and upcoming grandchildren too. I was going to go out to the farm today and groom the angora rabbits, but it is only 15 degrees here in Cleveland this am and I think I will wait until tomorrow when it is supposed to be 45. We only got a little snow here in the city, but more out at the farm. Hope everyone is doing okay with the ice storm. Well - need to go feed the dog and cat and get moving on the baking, decorating, crocheting, knitting - oh and I guess I better do some laundry and cleaning too - wow - need a few more hours in the day.

I will check in later - take care.

well gals its taking me forever to get caught up and I only have a little puter time this morning so I am just going to post and try to get caught up when I can. Maybe later this afternoon. but I am glad to see everyone is doing fine and hope all is well that have been hit by the ice storms, they say we are supposed to get some storms starting sunday night on through wednesday so we will have to see how that goes, cause it might knock out my net for a while, but I sure hope not.

well sorry bout not posting yesterday but we were working on a christmas gift for the girls all day, we are building them a playhouse, and I was the painter while everyone else was building, hammering and cutting, so I was up to my EYEBALLs in pink paint, covered for head to toe. LOLL but it was fun, we have jsut a little more to do, put on the roof and make the doors and windows and then decorate the inside and it will be done. YEA!!!

I do have the pattern for the chicks and I will email it to you ris and then let you post pm or email it to everyone that wants it as my puter time has been cut short down to just a few hours a day and spread throughout the day so I will get it to you this evening.

well gals I will get back with ya'll later and I hope everyone is safe and stays safe, have a great weekend Maw,


MIA's heard from Thanks for checking in we missed ya's

Alpaca Sounds like ya been crocheting up a storm, hope ya have a Great time with DGD baking cookies and decorating. I don't have any up either.

head4dmtns sounds like you one busy busy gal, soo great that your doing so much for the shelter and sorry to hear of those gals mother, it seems always especially hard when it's the Holidays. Great to hear from ya.

Mangled Glad to hear things are better with your son that's wonderful. I bet your house smelled sooo good from baking gingerbread and butter cookies. Can't wait to see your pics of your crocheting

Just taking my time to get the day started

Well I guess I will mosey into the kitchen and fix some breakfast. I'll check with yas later in between laundry and vacuming. Gota get some cleaning done

lol it seems we all need to get cleaning done.
I've found some secret surprises behind the chair. I swear I sweep everyday!
well Alyssa slept thru the night. Altho I did wake up momentarily around 4:30 to realize that Caydence was between me n Jim, and Alyssa was on my other side, guess so Jim wouldn't notice.
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