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Cold here too. I went to bed last night and finally got up and got dressed to check on the chickies at 11 p.m. I guess my mild obsessive compulsive disorder was kicking in because I was worried I may have left one in the run.
I just had to go check. They were all inside.

Those are some nice projects from you girls that posted.
Just a quick chick-in... Wow, the board has been busy this weekend! Haven't had time to post, and it took me forever to catch up with you this morning.
Don't want to brag too loudly, cause it'll be cold here soon enough, but ya'll should come here today. It's 44 right now, and heading for a high of about 56! If you show up, I'll take the day off & we can go shopping... AC Moore & Michael's are nearby, and Hobby Lobby is not too far either... Tempted?
Later, ya'll!
Hey Blossom Hen!!! Nice to hear from you after quite an MIA spell!!! Don't stay away so long!! LC...wish Vale was closer to Fayetteville since you named all my favorite stores!!!!!! Michael's is the one I am most tmepted with although Joann's really has more yarn I think. I like Hobby Lobby the least but I do head there when I can't find what I need at the other two first, they are all within two miles of each other here....and all within 10 of my tempting is that?!!! LOL!! Have fun!

Really awesome to see so many new people and so many quiet ones checking in!!! Shanah, it must be your break out thread, that's all that's, congrats!! Great job on the SS police work too! Hope everyone gets those in the mail today.

Well, two more cork wreaths to make today and my jerky is smellig so good the dogs are whining!!!
I am heading to NC! Man...No Chicks you better join me. Jeesh. these temps. It's starting to get warm enough (hahaha 5 with a windchill of -14) that I feel a little silly keeping the kiddo home....

Thanks SE, not sure if it is my thread or not... Most of those new folks are staying there...

So far I am doing the votes and a lot of people are voting for a single "List Thread" for the Swaps...and keeping this the club chat thread.....thoughts and votes are good. So 2 threads this one and a single list thread, in case that was confusing...The list thread being just so that lists can be updated and quickly referenced and not buried here....SE's got a good point though - List threads are going to generate chatter about each list. swap/activity threads are really something to think about...

Voting is open on
Single List Thread for swap lists updated/maintained by swap hosts and me...
New Swap Threads for each new swap/activity updated by swap hosts.

Regardless *this* thread will always be here.
HE HE! Lutheranchick you have weather just like me! Was 65 here yesterday and going to get up to 55 or so today! My husband went out this morning and acted like he was going to freeze to death. Its only 40 something right now.
Yep, windows open and barefooted w/ shorts here today..very nice!

Just out of curiosity, what are the shapes you all are already or are thinking about making for the spring swap? I have several hexagons made, have the centers of several circles made, will do squares and triangles too. I think I will stick with all the cotton yarn I have since that seems to work so well with the squares and all. So what is everyone else planning?
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