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Well, I can understand that. You are overwhelmed! i am glad you are not signing off from here! You would be so missed!
Well, I can understand that. You are overwhelmed! i am glad you are not signing off from here! You would be so missed!

I just didn't want to let everyone down since they had been so great helping me get started.
Whew! Glad you are going to hang with us, Lovemychix! Totally understand needing to set limits. I am in over my head as well. If you change your mind, we will always put you back in the swap and we are glad you are hanging out here, still, and that you are doing well. You gotta have *you* time too.

It's the time of year to refocus. and prioritize for everyone...I just have to keep convincing myself of which direction I want to go in...

Woo HOO! Chuck I think you need to hold the first annual BYC Hookerstock!

Your Majesty thanks for the great links!
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Although,,, doesn't saying "I used to cook in the Army" also mean "I know how to throw stuff togather and call it food"? lol
Alyssa calls her school cafeteria the mess hall.
Only 6 year old I know of that wasn't raised anywhere near military, and she knows the terms.. lol

OYVEY! Caydence loves the drum we got her for her bday! lol
Stick a fork in me...I'm done.
I've been burning the candle at all ends it seems. Finished the pioneer clothes at midnight, AFTER I came home from taking my final exam @ school. Had to make potato soup for DD's class this morning and deliver it. Getting a cold to boot.
So many things to do and so little time.

I do have some GOOD news though! My Hova-Bator arrived today!
Gotta get some hatching eggs to put in it now! I've had fun snooping around looking for SQ eggs on Ebay, here and Eggbid. AmyQuilt has been sending me links too!
I'm thinking that I'll plug it in under the Christmas tree and let the kids think that Santa brought it to me! Oldest DD knows I've been dying to get one!
Actually I was cooking long before I was in the Army. I did attend culinary school through the Army and cooked in Restaurants after I got out of the Army.

But yeah, I can figure out how to make a nutricious meal out of a lot of things.

NCF, you deserve to take a day for yourself, grab you some of your favorite cookies and your favorite beverage, grab some of your favorite movies or a good book. Then make a large sign that says "DO NOT DISTURB UNLESS THE HOUSE IS BURNING DOWN" and post it outside a door that you can close and lock. Inform everybody that you are taking a Spa day and you are not to be disturbed under penalty of death, turn the kids over to your SO and then go in the room and lock the door behind you after you hang the sign out.

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I really like that guy! ^ NCF I think you should follow his advice...maybe we can make it a spa/hibernation party.

Here's that book I was trying to describe that really helped all my crochet instructors' good instructions click.


It's small/pamphlety and purple and it usually hangs in the yarn section in Michaels. They had just restocked and I was going to get it and send it to you, but I wanted to wait and make sure it didn't already get into your starter kit, NCF... (it was you who was getting a starter kit in your stocking, right? Man that seems like weeks and weeks ago.) Sorry the pics are kind of crummy....
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Yall are not going to believe what I did last night. I found Angelcraft and by the time I got done, I had spent $36 on yarn. Thats alot for me. I forgot how many really big bags will actually be coming. They have mill ends 15-18oz bags for $3.50. Thats about the regular price for yarn here for a 4-6oz skein. Might get some flaws but still a good deal I think.
OOOHHH Elizabeth! Post the link for the rest of us please, so your fellow hookers can get in on it. PULLEEEAAAZE!

I think that's really great, and I agree that's a great price.
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