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Sorry LOL I distapeered
The kiddo's tried to mutiny on me and we have been cleaning like crazy since my husband got home.

Can I post youtube vids on here? It doesn't have any questionable material.

Now that I have worked you guys up about it, you might be dissapointed.
sorry!!!! But thank you for kicking me in the rear and saying Hey!! I get sidetracked way too often. It's a wonder I don't forget where the computer is.

ETA: I forgot that we have to reschedule my U/S because my husband's job called him into work tomorrow and they won't let him come in late.
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Evenin everyone.. sorry I've been away all day. WriterofWords came by to bring us our Christmas present!!!
We gots, a 5 tray hatcher. a brooder, some waterers, the girls got ornaments from her class, and I got a cranky adult male quail!!
Got the girls in bed, so I need to go wrap a couple more presents...
When I was out yesterday getting presents, I noticed the oddest thing. Ya know how they start shoving Christmas in our faces before Thanksgiving...? Well, the stores already have Valentine candy out!
OMGOODNESS people.. don't they realize.. candy goes stale after awhile!! I dun want my choc covered cherries to resemble rocks!
We've got dsl too. Just changed from dial up about three months ago. If I have to give up groceries to pay the bill, I will so we can keep the dsl!
Everyone done shopping? I'm not, but only need a couple gift cards and groceries to finish. We'll do that at Sam's Club tomorrow.
The Grinch is on TV tonight. I thought it was appropriate, since he seems to have stolen my Christmas spirit today. Karan & Shanah, sounds like we are all in the same boat!

I do wish you all a Happy Christmas! Hopefully the Grinch will go away and leave us all alone.
Karan, that cat picture is just too cute! I know how you feel LC, I didn't even bring out the holiday decorations this year. I just didn't feel in the mood to decorate for just me.

I almost have my first practice square done.

Once I try a couple more to get the feel of things then I'll get cracking on the real ones for the swap.

Well if all goes well I should have some new babies starting to hatch tomorrow.

Happy Holidays to everybody!
Trust me, my Holly Jolly's went out years ago. If it wasn't for the girls, there wouldn't be much if any thing up.
I'm going to try and make it way better for them next year. I really feel like I'm disappointing them with me not getting in the spirit of things. I remember when I was a kid, and it was just about the most magical thing of all. I really want my kids to feel that way too!
Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring everyone down. I'm just going to try to roll with it and maybe before New Years it will hit me

Last year Noah and I had put lights up on the fence and the porch Made dozens and dozens of cookies, wrote out a Christmas letter to put in the cards we sent out, went to the Grogans and saw their huge lighted decoration display. Went shopping and the saw the living nativity at the Christian Church. But this year........ well... yeah I guess the Grinch has hit me. I don't know maybe some Christmas Carols would help

Well gota go finish my kitchen cleanup. Then maybe work on Zoe's afghan. I called her and told her I was making her gift and I would be sending after Christmas since I'm not finished with it yet. But said I wasn't telling what it was.

Check with ya all later.
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Hey everyone, not much time for the puter lately with work but wanted to let everyone know that I got my shipment of yarn in from and the yarn seems to be just fine at a glance. Didn't have time to open every bag and really check it out but pulled it out of the box and looked at each one. They are a pound each but not one piece. Each bag has about 3-4 5oz skeins in them. Since I will be making mostly squares and will be cutting the yarn alot anyway I don't mind it not being one uncut piece. I will take the time later when all the crazies around here slow down and check the yarn out better and let everyone know. They even threw in an ink pen with the order.
I payed $36 for 10 lbs of yarn and no shipping if you order $35 in yarn. The 1 pounders here at walmart are $7.

Anyway, just wanted to let anyone that was wondering about the quality of that site know how it turned out. Got to get in bed now. Another hard day tomorrow at the post office.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
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I'll have to check that angelcraft site Purple, sounds interesting! I looked at the red heart sale the Queen posted for Joanns but I am waiting for an order from them already so I will hold off, plus I bought some for 2 bucks at walmart the other day, the red heart I mean. I bought the peruvian (kinda loud but kid friendly) and some gorgeous country blues with a solid to match. The one I am working on for Erin is out of the sugar and cream cotton..sunburst, yellow and mardi gras colored...VERY bright, lol!!! She loves it, but I think it's horrible!! I have about 6 inches done on it, when I get a better established color pattern I'll take a the mean time..try not to be too terribly jealous ...OF MY SECRET SANTA PRESENT!!!!!!! Got it today from Athena and there was a snatch n grab goin on too!!!
The are GORGEOUS!!!!! Battle bracelets, sooooooo nice!!!! I ended up with the one on the far left and my kids ran off the rest! Erin is wearing two of them, has one for a friend and Travis got one and then the one I hid is mine! THANK YOU ATHENA!!!! I love them, awesome!!! Very thoughtful!!!!!!!

Has everyone sent and received a secret santa gift that was in the project????? Rocket has done a great job of keeping up with this but I do know of one person who has not received her gift yet ...although mine came from Iraq, I did just get it today. Can everyone update please??

Good luck on the squares Chuck, you'll be a hookin wizard in no are you doing Luke? Kellie? Perched? other new hooekrs?? Where is Erin???? Hope folks are just busy for the holiday and will migrate back to the corner soon
...again, thank you Athena, beautful bracelets, I am very proud of them!!!!
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OK all.... I need some chicken support! I just got my very own Hova-Bator 1588 with egg turner and I just put eggs into it, just about 5 minutes ago!

I did get the 'bator up and running yesterday so it would be stable when I put the eggs in. I'm a nervous wreck about it. I candled them (like I know what I'm doing?? yeah right) and did see 2 eggs that had "air bubbles" that rolled around inside? I'm assuming that isn't good. The other eggs did not have that. The eggs were shipped to me, so I was expecting that some wouldn't make it.

Anyway, I will be posting on the Hatching thread, but wanted words of encouragement here first!

Also, I just came back from an unofficial "mini" high school reunion! SO FUN! So many people that I hadn't seen since HS! I was nervous about going, but enjoyed it (more so after a drink!) very much.

OK, (((HUGS))) to everyone! I'm wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, even if you all aren't in the spirit. I'm not so much either, but I'm making it good for the kids.

Okiemommy : Darn your DH's work! I was waiting to hear about your U/S appt. tomorrow!!! Hope we won't have to wait too much longer!
NCF - I can empathize with you on this. I'm waiting for my first hatch too.
Good Luck with your Hatch.

OkieMama, I second the emotion, darn your husband's work!

Here we are waiting for the news about your U/S and now

all the hooker aunties and uncles got to put our needles on hold and anxiously
sit by our computers waiting for the news!

Have a safe and Happy Christmas in the meantime, sit back and relax and enjoy the wonder of the season!
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