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Yum Yum Yum

I got my first batch of truffle balls in the fridge getting ready for their chocolate dip

Our little store didn't have oreos so I got the fudge stuffed chocolate sandwich cookies. Don't have a food processer either so I used a gallon size ziplock bag and rolling pin. I also put the cream cheese in and mushed it all together in the bag. Worked out well soo far. I'll let ya know how they taste in a couple of hours.

I think I'll go to my crochet corner and have a cup of tea with my yarn.

Okie we are counting the days with you

We had a corn snake that Jim found right outside our back door. It was curled up against the cat dish, and he picked it up, decided it looked cool, kept it, then realized ..hey! Hope this aint poisonous!
It died a few months ago... was in the middle of shedding, then decided it wanted to eat one more mouse.. Somehow or another, we think it got all bunged up. Poor thing started thrashing around and gasping for air.
needless to say, he died and Jim thinks it was my fault. lol
well, it shouldnt act like its hungry when it's not time to eat. lol
It would sit in Alyssa's lap and watch cartoons on the couch. Me and Caydence just dealt with it... from the other side of the room. lol
Hi guys and dolls! Miss me? I am just stopping in from a whirlwind of trying to speed read through all the posts I missed. I still missed many.

Okie, good luck on the 5th, with all of SE's alien probing warnings, I'd be worried.
Just kidding! Have fun! can't wait to hear the announcement.

No chicks, I hope your hubby got to keep his toe, I did miss what was wrong with it. Hope he's better soon.

Hope everyone has had good luck with mouse/rodent control.

I am going to be taking a computer/crochet break. I need to prioritize and change around my schedule a little bit for the new year. I *might* have to drop out of the spring swap. I got pretty stressed during the fall one. But, I am feeling a bit like Lovemychix, and feeling like I should address more family needs and attentions. I will make time to stop in every now and then over here, because I am sure I won't be able to stay away. I am probably just going to demote myself to lurker level.

If you need anything from "professor" rocket, please feel free to email me. I will still be checking email and messages regularly, just not constantly.

Hello all!

Today is my birthday!! I'm 33 today.

Been MIA with all the holiday stuff going on. We had a good Christmas. The living room still looks like a toy store exploded.

Survived the in-laws. Managed to get out the round ripple I'm making and she asked me who I was making it for, I told her it was a gift for a friend. She said she wanted one, and I told her if she bought the yarn for it, I'd get one put together for her, lol. It angered her.

They got me a horrid pink sweater with flowers, so it was deserved. I haven't worn a sweater in my adult lifetime. But, I get one EVERY Christmas. I returned it today and it was a $52 sweater!!

I used the money to buy my little girl a new pair of dressy shoes, a pair of crystal chicken figurines for myself and some new yarn from Micheals. It also paid for dinner out for the whole family, lol.

Tomorrow we do my birthday party and Christmas at my Mom's after church. I plan on finding my living room tomorrow, as well.

No chicks - I missed the toe story, too.
Hope he gets to keep it.

Talk to you all later!!

Happy Birthday EM!!!! Sorry I missed it yesterday, hope you have many, many spite of the MIL that flew in on the broom!! Glad you got the sweater traded off for things you wanted. My MIL was determined that we needed a new set of flatware EVERY christmas and my SIL STILL gives us a set of rolling suitcase (one zipped inside the other) EVERY christmas..and we NEVER go anywhere so maybe our inlaws are related since they are both nuts!!

Shanah, you do what you need to do for you and your family. It is easy to get consumed by the need to check in here and post and keep up...but your real life comes first and we all understand that. Hope you can manage the spring swap but if not, surely you can crank out enough squares between now and the fall to get in that one?!Take care of yourself, no worries.

Okie, I'm hoping for a pair in there!!

Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Em!!!!!! Good thing your MIL is only related by marriage! Mine, is my mom, the queen of getting almost getting what you want, but not quite!
Caydence wanted a pair of ice skates last year, she got her inline skates that fit preteens! She was 3! Got a pair of ropers when I was 15, ropers being cowboy boots that dont look like urban cowboy corner stompers,, anyway, she bought me neon pinks jeans to wear with em!

Risu.. just do one square a day, or every other day. There's still plenty of time. DONT STRESS yourself!!
Glad your back. Hope yall had a great time. Did Hannah like her fancy doll?

SE, got some extra luggage? lol

Happy Birthday Em! 33! That's not bad! You're still a spring chicken. Weep in 3 more years.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Thanks Sk and SE. I am going to sit back and examine and see what I can handle. My hooks have gone on a temporary strike right now as I managed to pressure myself too much. Hannah liked her "fancy baby" who she named Fabulous.
but she got a bit of a menagerie and so Fab has sort of fallen by the way-side. for now. Her fave of the moment is her mechanical parrot. (Fur Real friend baby parrot)

Mornings will most likely be my checking in time. Hope everyone has a wonderful day! I am sitting here with my coffee waiting for my baby roo to crow. Right now he's terrorizing the girls with his roo dance.
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EM aka Mangled

Happpy Birrthhddaaayy toooo YooouU Happy BirthdDAY to YOUU

Oh and not to forget

So glad you found a rose in that thorn bush effect of the MIL.
always nice to have dinner on someone else hehehe.
Happy B-day Em!
I got a great gift from DH. Yesterday DH and I went to Kohl's and he bought me the 6 quart Kitchen Aid that I have wanted forever. I don't know what to make first. Bread , no more hand kneading. Cookies now my shoulder won't ache from the mixing.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Football game this afternoon GO PATS!
Now this week I'm on a search for a pretty granny circle that I can make without too much trouble. I would like to try to make it with more than one color.
Purr, congratulations on you Kitchenaid... it is a wonderful thing... It used to take an 1/2 hour to hand mix my cookie dough now in minutes it is all done... We got ours at Khol's 2 years ago for Christmas...Love it...I got the slicer attachment and now can make pickle slices in no time too...
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