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Rocket, I agree with SE and Sk
don't stress your self out. Easy to do when getting into sooo many activites.
Been there, done that, still do it sometimes.... We will see how the greenhouse stress goes
I'm ok now... Please do keep checking in. I hope you decide to crochet as a stress reliever, not stress maker.

Hey Maybe you need some of these....
Cookie truffles Wow YES YES very RICH
But they are goood
1 or 2 is enough for me for a chocolate pick me up This was the Truffles Chel posted I used double fudge stuffed cookies. Any whooo take it easy and hug the fam. And just pop in now and then to visit.
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Nice work Karan!!

Awww, darn it! Just as I'm picking up the crochet hook, Rocket is putting hers down!

I've been able to make a chain stitch no problem, (that first row of stitches?) and then once I get to the second row, I have 2 stitches on my hook, then I don't know what to do from there! I have a "Learn to Crochet" book that I have been trying to follow. I'm the sort that learns better with a one on one lesson from someone. I think I'll hit YouTube today.

Anyway, I've been keepign up on the posts, just doing lots of lurking.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Happy B'Day Mangled! I hope your cake was yummy.

Karen...... Mmmmmmm Great job on the Cookie Truffles! I know its difficult to get the balls out of the chocolate and back on the tray without leaving a spot that isnt chocolate covered but you can just use a spoon to dab some melted chocolate on the bare spots..... if you care. LOL We sure dont. We just gobble them up and then moan that we shouldnt have eaten more than one.

I think Im going to try some with peanut butter cookies next time. Yum.
My niece said she was going to make some with blond Oreos and then dip them in white chocolate and put colored sprinkles on them for Christmas. I havent heard from her yet whether or not they turned out well.... perhaps she is still in the coma.

It sounds like you need to start an ebay shop.....
ScrambledEgg's Flatware and Suitcases shop.

Hey, I need a set of flatware..... got any for sale?

I was watching something on tv about how all the kids in foster care, most of them end up carrying all that they have, which is by no means a lot, in trash bags. Some teenaged girl started a drive collecting old not used anymore suitcases, backpacks, etc and would put some school supplies in the backpack and a stuffed animal in the suitcase. So that the kids knew that there was someone somewhere that actually cared for them enough to give them something to hold thier worldly possesions.
kinda humbles us all a little.

Well it's sure good to hear from all yall. Glad to know we've all somewhat survived the family obligations. Hey, being able to go home, sit down, take that deep relieved breath and say never again! means you've survived!!!
OMG Karan, at first I thought those were eggs in an incubator just hatching (I got an incubator for Christmas, so can you guess where my mind is at right now?) and then when I realized they were chocolates I drooled all over my keyboard.

NCF - not putting it down for good, just resting. I had decided to make way too many gifts for people in too short of notice and it burned me out just a little. So, don't let me discourage you...I am still a newbie at this. I should have paced myself a little better. The lambs I made for my nieces just about sent me to the loony bin. And then to see them not really appreciate them...
it was just a little discouraging, actually a lot discouraging.... Oh well. I will get geared up for the spring swap, hopefully.

Btw, Your Majesty, Queen Scoot, my daughter *LOVES* her hat and she thinks it is from Mrs. Claus.
She wears it all the time even when she's in the house.

And Amy, my sister's hat looks so good on her, she should be your next model! She loves it too! Thanks ladies for helping me out!

ETA: SK just saw your post about the foster kids. Man, makes you want to go out and just adopt the lot of them...
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Btw, Your Majesty, Queen Scoot, my daughter *LOVES* her hat and she thinks it is from Mrs. Claus. wink She wears it all the time even when she's in the house.

LOL glad she likes it! and so happy to help out anytime!!
Hey my hooker sisters! just wanted to drop in during the few mintues I have to sit down and breath before going at it again trying to reclaim my house from under all the toys and clothes and dishes and laundry, and whatever else I may find! been going at it full force for 4 days now and have not even made a dent in it. OH somebody please save me!!!!!!!!!! well I sure hope everyone survived and only came out with a few bumps and bruises, hopfully no major injuries LOL!! you know haw family holidays can be! blaylee came out with a knot on her head and a cut on her thigh and haley has a black toe, and skent up knees and a sore elbow, you know how kids are. I have some sore ribs, throbing head, sore elbow, and my face it broke out bad from all the stress. I will be so glad when the holidays are over. and I can get my peace and quit back!!!! I have started on a plarn tote and got a few other little things started. I am working on learning how to spin yarn with a drop spindle, which I learned how to make my self, now all I have to do is get some raw corddale wool or something like that and hit you tube for about 3 days straight and I might have it! we'll see.

well ladies sure hope everyone is well and i miss you ALL very much! and like I said hope to be back to old routines soon. Love ya gals and take care. SE email me and let me know if no chicks got her gift. THanks Maw.
hey Risu.. I got some eggs I can send ya for your new toy!! hehehe would ya like some orange barred rocks? lol
Since Jim has so wonderfully ordered frizzles and silkies and some bantams RIRs, long crowers, and long tails and a maybe naked neck silkie .. I'm sure he wont miss our regular o wierdo eggs. lol
And if ya say no,.... I'm sure I can figure out the addy to send ya em anyways...hehehehe

Glad to hear from ya Maw, did the girls enjoy the new playhouse? Or is that what beat em up? lol
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I would love to have them Sk, except that I don't have the room yet.
I have to figure out how to do an expansion just for the big ole feathered things that I have in my living room right now... They are getting soooo big....I am kind of looking forward to the time when I can get them out onto the porch at least and clean up the dust...

I will keep you in mind for after we have some kind of outside spring time brooding/love nest coop built.
lol Tell hubby to bring out the snow shovel.. clear off a place, take some wood, nails and a ruler.. and build baby build!
I think I'm sending Alyssa to ya tomarrow if she dont smarten up... grr that kid gets under my skin quicker then greased lightnin... All day I have asked, begged, pleaded and finally beat it thru her brain to pick up the shoes she threw out of the basket this morning. just so she could wear her Hannah Montana shoes to church. THEN! I find the mess in the room, well, the doorway to the room. *** Note to people with at least a 6 year olds.. 6 is NOT a good age to let them have puzzles!!!!! Especially when they get to take them to thier room! Okay, so it is partially my fault for not listening when she asked if she could, I just wanted all the crap outta the living room floor!!!
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