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OMG! She's speaking drunkenese!! YAYYY my fave language!!

Does Jim talk that way too????


Queen Scoot wrote:

LOL i habe 1 too many mess tinks...need nother shot hot da** is good lol

Hey now, if you ever watch Mythbusters, they have proven that if you are freezing, liquor will warm you up. And make ya feel really hilarious too!

Yes, but it won't keep ya warmer for long, watch out for frost bite...... especially if ya forget to take your fingers out of the ice bucket

Now watch out for that Scoot some antifreeze can really sneak up on ya fast
OMG! She's speaking drunkenese!! YAYYY my fave language!!

Bad Queen, Bad!! Stay out of the Christmas hooch!!

I am speaking third grader this week with the worst head cold in my life! I am soooo stuffed up, sneezing and coughing..yuck! Building good immunities I guess and have a busy week at work so I'll have to suffer through it...crud
..drunky would be better I think!!
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That second one is going to be me today. I am beat. Restless night full of weird dreams. And I have so much to do today that I didn't do yesterday. Wheee...

Hope everyone has a fantastic day. SE, MAW, PURR, SK and your Uncle, everyone under the weather, please feel better soon!!! The aftermath of the holidays can be just as bad as the before-ness.
lol I love cleaning my bathroom, its the smallest room in the house!
Jim hates it when I clean it. Cause when I get done, I forget to leave the door open, so when he goes in, which is always right after I shut that door, he gets blasted by all the smell.
Oh, and I am not allowed to use those lil toilet fresheners. He says it smells like a 7-11 bathroom. lol
Hey, girls...

I've got a GREAT idea. Since some of you are stay-at-home moms with NOTHING to do, why don't you collect the "to do" lists from those of us who have to WORK for a living? Then you can do all that extra stuff that we never seem to have time for - like cleaning the bathroom and organizing the craft $#!^!

Yes, I know... This is you >
< This is me

I'm just KIDDING! I used to hate it when people thought that because I didn't get a paycheck for working that I could do anything I wanted to, any time. Besides, if any of you come my way, I'm taking the day/week off to spend time with you!
LOL you want the list of what I do, or what you need done? Cause I'm thinking, they'd be just about the same. lol Then again, my to-do list goes longer then a Christmas List. lol
Clean desk, sweep, mop, clean cages (lizard, scorpian, rodent er i mean gerbil) Dishes, laundry
I'm not even going to attempt to read all the pages of posts I have missed. The holidays have literally zapped me. My brother just left yesterday back to Arkansas. Cleaning my house too. After I get it cleaned I'm going to take out everything from my kitchen cabinets and reorganize. I do this every year. REally helps keep clutter down.
I have been working on a lapghan, a relative to fancy, (thanks rocket for helping me!! ), and I have done some furry scarves. I don't think I'm ever going to get the lapghan done. I'm getting a little bored with it. I really haven't had time to get much done besides housework, taking care of kids and of course my feathered friends. My chicks are getting so big!!! Almost 3 mo. now.
I think my floor is dry so back to the kitchen.

If I get time today I got my seed catalog. I can't wait until Spring. Hope Karan has some nice healthy plants for me!!
HOpefully we don't get flooded again. Last year was a waste. What I did grow the chickens ate.

Take care and hopefully now that things are back to normal I can get on here more and catch up with the Hookers!!
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