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I do have the book Kris! Forgot about it! Bought it in the spring before the swap and never even used it..can't find one called a dishcloth...although dang there are some nice squares!! Which one (s) did you want? Let me know and I'll copy them and send them your way.

Which pattern Kris? From the 200 block book?

Hey Kris..why don't you make a thread for the links? I would call it something that google can find easy and maybe add the knitting ones too... maybe Crochet & Knit Pattern Links For BYC that has alot of "key words" in it that make the google searches bump it to the top...then put it in your sig. line, and maybe this one and the charity and scoot's knit one too if you want so people all over the forum will see them...then just maintain or "host" the thread and we can allpost on it..maybe you can gather all the links into a list as people post them....that should be an awesome list when you're done!!! good luck!!!

I have copied piles of things from lionbrand and patterncentral but never have seen the buttonspecialties one!!! Thanks!!​
Hey...just saw that wooden cone holder on the buttonspecialties page and wanted to say that I do buy yarn on the cone a good bit off ebay, I like the 300 or 400 ypp as it is so fat and easy to work with...but I bought two really heavy cast iron paper towel holders with a screww off top that I dropped the cone on and screw the top back on..I can carry it around and the cone turns pretty good on it friend at work thought of that last year and we both bought two of great!!
I've asked Rob about putting up a new main category for Hobbies, then sub categories for crochet, knitting, scrapbooking....etc. Once he does that, we will have the capabilities to have threads for different topics within the crochet subcategory.

He said that the staff is working on doing things like this. So I guess we just have to be patient while they make all the new things on here ;-)
SE i found the yarn here
gonna have to order some.....
yes I do belive my horse has a girl friend down the road, it is a good thing that I had him cut early on.

well new computer, and I have been attacked already, will a virus. so I may be in and out here and there until I get it taken care of. but I will be back you can count on that. well keep up the good work gals and I will post ya later. Mawchickkidie
Thays GREAT Amy

Darlene I am going to have to get one of those spindle holders, it will make it easier to crochet with. Then I will be able to just whip them out left and right

HI Maw! Good Luck with your computer
Hey Tiki~ I have a 200 crochet block book for blankets, throws, and afghans by Jan Eaton.

Which pattern is it and check for you? Not sure if it has any dish cloth patterns in it. I have another book somewhere of only dish cloth pattern, but don't know who it's by. I looked for that one today, but couldn't find it. I'll keep looking.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Scoot, that is extremely high for that yarn...should not be more than 1.99 a skein....did you check Michaels online? Joann's? Even Hobby Lobby? Those should all be cheaper than what they want for that a skein...if you can't find it cheaper on those sites, let me know and I'll look at the Michaels' here for you.

Haven't finihsed bordering that bright colored afghan out of the sugar n cream..trying to finish some preemie stuff first. The squares.

Kim, I looked for Kris too but didn't see any dishcloths in that book wither, I thought maybe she meant that she was gonn use one of the square patterns and make a dishcloth out of it? dunno.....
Hi Guys
the lady who made the dishcloth said she used the Victorian Lace Pattern. So I guess that must be a block? Is the book really good? I may get the whole thing. Thing is, I have boughten 2 crochet books and not used either one a bit.

Darlene, on that buttonspecialties site I think it would be neat to make some of those market day bags. Hopefully I will get around to that. Kim, I would like to know what you think of that washcloth book you got. Or are you like me, buy them and then dont use them?

I did make a dishcloth last night from a pattern I got of the internet. It took forever. But thats probably because I took it apart three times before I got it right.
It was fun though. I havent used it yet, maybe tonight.
Hi Kris! The Victorian Lace pattern is in that book. I just bought the book not to long ago, but haven't had time to try any patterns in it yet. The book is deceiving stating that it is 200 square patterns, but in reality it has some of the same patterns, but showing them in diff color schemes. I love the color of the yarn she has used for her projects. I think that's the whole reason I bought the book. LOL!!!!!

I finally found my dish cloth pattern book to. It has 15 patterns in it and it's by Leisure Arts. I bought it a long time ago, but never used it since I didn't know how to decipher the crochet lingo.

Here's the pattern for you:

Victorian Lace

Special abbreviations
tr2tog = work 2 tr together, beg cl = beginning cluster made from 2 dc sts, cl = cluster made from 3 dc sts

FOUNDATION RING: Ch 10 and join with sl st to form a ring.
ROUND 1: Ch 4 (counts as 1 tr), one dc into ring, 2 ch [tr2tog into ring, ch2] 11 times, join with sl st into 4th of ch 4.
ROUND 2: Sl st into next ch 2 sp, ch3 (counts as 1 dc), beg cl into same sp, ch 3, [ cl into next ch 2 sp, ch 3] 11 times, join with sl st into top of beg cl.
ROUND 3: Ch 5 (counts as 1 hdc, ch 3), skip next ch 3 sp, [ cl, ch2, cl, ch 4, cl, ch 2, cl] into next ch 3 sp, ch 3, *skip next ch 3 sp, 1 hdc into top of next cl, ch 3, skip next ch 3 sp, [ cl, ch 2, cl, ch 4, cl, ch 2,cl] into next ch 3 sp, ch 3; rep from * twice, join with sl st into 2nd of ch 5.
ROUND 4: Sl st into next ch 3 sp, ch 4 (counts as 1 dc, ch 1), 1 dc into same sp, * ch 1, 1 dc into top of next cl, ch 1, 1 dc into next ch 2 sp, ch 1, [ cl,ch2, cl, ch4, cl, ch2, cl] into next chain 4 sp, ch 1, 1 dc into next ch 2 sp, ch 1, 1 dc into top of next cl, ch 1, 1 dc into next ch 3 sp, ch 1, **1 dc into next hdc, ch 1, 1 dc into next ch 2 sp; rep from * twice and from * to ** once again, join with sl st into 3rd of ch 4.
ROUND 5: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc, ch 2), [ 1 dc into next dc, ch 1] 5 times, *1 dc into top of next cl, ch1, 1 dc into next ch 2 sp, ch 1, 5 dc into next ch 4 corner sp, ch 1, 1 dc into next ch 2 sp, ch 1, 1 dc into top of next cl, ch 1, **[1 dc into next dc, ch 1] 11 times; rep from *twice and from * to ** once again, [ 1 dc into next dc, ch 1] 5 times, join with sl st into 3rd of ch 4.
Fasten off yarn.
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