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LC, that's so funny!! I was thinking exactly the same thing when Rocket mentioned the what the heck is THAT??!! Our weather is always warm...move to NC Scoot, you'd absolutely love it!!
After all you are a Queen.

I love that comment! Hope things work out for ya'll..when one door closes another does open....glad to hear Maw is still peeping! Hope everyone else is well!! My head cold is finally leaving, so happy to be blowing my nose only 50 times a day instead of a 100!!
I will do my best to send the snow fairies your way. They are certainly over active enough here that I think they could at least share in some of their efforts.

Yeah, and if you come here, we'll even help you unpack!! Of course you'd have to choose between us - or split the difference and move half-way between! Then we'd have a good central place to meet...
I don't mind snow, but it's the cold that comes with it I can't deal with.

Snow does have it's place, Like on mountain tops, the North and South Poles, anywhere but where I am! I spent too many winters shoveling that white stuff up in Michigan where I grew up.

But they are calling for lows in the single digits for next week here and highs in the 20's UGH!

well ya'll had better keep that white, wet, cold stuff to yer selfs as I don't won't none!!!!! Today it was in the mid 60s, nice and warm perfect for sittin out in the yard. and I would hope it stays this way.

LOOKKKKK I got to post twice today, YEA!!!!

starting to get there, must keep going.

well I almost have my version of crocheted uggs made. still have to make the leg part of the boot. But its not toooo bad for a first attempt with out a pattern to go by. I will post pics sometime between now and july. LOL as it seem so take me a while to do anything as of right now. But at least I am making progress on getttng back to posting and chit chating with ya'll. well I am going to go do a few other net wise things before the poopter decides it wants to throw a fit and shut down. take care and i may see ya'll in a bit. Maw. Scoot you can move in with me and the chickens. its a small coop but we'll share our nest box. LOL!!!
Em's husband Scott here. Em wanted me to tell you she fell and broke her collarbone this morning. She was shoveling the end of the driveway out after getting our daughter on the bus and stepped on a patch of ice. She went down hard on the rocks we have lining our culvert. Her collarbone is fractured in two places on her right side. She wanted me to say that she has to bow out of the Spring swap. I don't think she'll be on for a few days, I'm sure she'll update you all when she's feeling better. Thanks.
Aw Em!!! Your not supposed to fall down and go boom!!
Heal quickly, and dont even try to do anything silly while your healing!!

Well Chuck, sorry to say this, but ya knew it was coming, there's another name to add to your endless yet gratifying list of prayers. Thanks.
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Good Grief, I thought us men were supposed to be the ones getting racked up all the time,not you women!

At this rate, the way you all are breaking bones, and getting sick, I'll be spending all day and half the night on my knees! Praying that is, get your minds out of the gutter!
Posted hugs on another thread already for Em...but love you and hope you get well very, eat bon bons, rest and ring that bell for service!!

You are the nicest addition to this thread!!! So awesome having a guy here to begin with (miss you Luke..two guys is even better than one!!!) but you are chatty and kind and fun ..we love having you here!!! if only we could get you two into a KILT!!!!!!!!!!
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