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well em between you with the coller bone, me with the shoulder and foot and purr with the back we make up almost a whole body. LOL!!!!!!! I know how ya feel with the kids part poor blaylees been sick with a virus and throwing up and the runs and today she was sitting next to me and puked and well now I have a puke stain cast. LOL!!!!! its a good thing it didn't go down inside of it, boy would that stick!!!!. this is her third or forth day of it now and dad is now feeling the effects of what mom puts up with every day of the year. LOL!!!!!! And at this point I am not sorry, cuz hes been one pain the the patoot for 4 months now. ready for him to find job and let me have my house back. LOL!!!
well take care hun. Maw.
I've been laying on my left side for about 2 days. I keep having lower back pain, and abdominal pain that subsides when I lay on my left side. Joy. Please don't let this mean the beginning of bed rest. It's waaaaaaay too early.

It's hard to crochet laying on your side btw
Thanks Maw for the tip. I was just saying that my experience hasn't been too good with them lately, seems they start falling apart before I get out of the store!

But what the heck, if someone can make them work, go for it. I love being around crafty minded people. I steal, er get some of my best ideas from watching them!

Glad you are feeling a bit better now Maw.

Try running a scan on your computer first then run the defrag on it. Depending on the size of your hard drive it may take awhile but it may help speed it up for you.
Welcome back Maw!!! Glad you're feeling better Em!! Purple, love that plastic us when you get one made!!! Mornin other Hookers!!! Hope everyone has an awesome to get more baby squares cranked out today..that Karan is a slave driver, lol!!...j/k of course!! Have a great day all
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Just realized, Im not such a dog person anymore. lol Or the fact that I hate my uncle's dogs, they howl at me when they hear me shuffle by the doorway. Went to the bathroom, Dazzle hears me with his super duper maltese sonic hearing.. HOWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLL! bark bark!
which of course sets off the tiny one, Feather, (she's a sweet girl).. yip! Yip! yip!! whineee!!!

Guess that means I have to go let them out.. grrrr I was hoping to be lazy a little longer.
Good morning everyone. Prurple, I love the recycling bag site! GREAT stuff! The pattern said M hook. Thanks a lot.

I am so sorry everyone seems so banged up. I am sending out healling thoughts for you all!!!! (Got um?)

I better get it in gear. Church in an hour.
Have a great day everyone. Jeanmarie
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Gosh, y'all are making it sound dangerous to be a hooker, hope SE got our group insurance before everyone started gettin' injured !!

I hope you ALL heal quickly!!

I sold almost all my roosters (about 30), and they get delivered today. It's a bit of a drive, and catching and loadin them will be FUN!!! But I will be SO happy to not be feeding the useless creatures!!

Got to go load, talk to you later!!!

PW. Your gonna love this bunch. They are an awesome group of friends.I love doily's but I can't seem to crochet one.
Thanks SE for missing me, I've done a lot of lurking put the pain meds make me incoherent.
Thanks Chuck your so sweet. And I bet you look great in a kilt, your just being modest.
Mangled, and Maw we could have wheelchair races! ready...set... Go!.

Algo those are really neat bags but mine don't make it to the front door before falling apart.
Those of you that do throw away the plastic bags if you tie it into a knot before you throw it away it keeps it from blowing out of the landfill and getting stuck in the trees. That is just so awefull to go down the road and see a bunch of bags stuck in the trees.
Okie I hope you feel better soon. I'm still triying to make a square with different colors so I can help on your baby blankie. Can't get it to look like the sample one though.
k the percs are starting to take effect and now I can't think clearly. Hope I touched base with everyone for everyone else Love ya.
I am gonna try the bag-yarn bag! Especially seeing as I don't feel like shovelling the snow in front of my van to get to church... too tired! Not been sleeping well lately!

SO sorry to hear of SO many hookers all beatin' up too! WOW! Prayers to you all - banged up, bruised, broken, sick or just plain icky-feeling! May you all be back to feeling much better very, very soon! God Bless!

I'll have to post my version of Granny Chicken from 1mommahen when she's done... I have to make her pillow belly and don't feel like clearing off the sewing machine just yet - covered in Christmas still! I made her outta the variegated black, white yarn to represent my Barred Rock gals and she has numerous, multi-colored scrap Granny squares I had laying around! Gonna be awesome when she's done!

On another note, to catch up before cleaning and crocheting whilst stuck inside a warm house on a snowy day... I have started working on my squares for the Spring Swap! I hope you all like the funky one I found to do! Hmmm. shall I tell? Ok.. its a paisley shape! Don't know how it'll go w/ any others... Should be fun no matter!

Maw, am practicing for when there is a Critter swap! I have started a little dolphin for my soon-to-be SIL! Seems like there isn't much to it, really... BUT I've only just started last night - when everytime I laid down, my brain refused to shut off! So far only done single crochets, increases and decreases! We'll see...

Ok... I am off to clean and play with yarn!
God Bless you all and this wonderful group to which we all belong!
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