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Hi there!
Here's a copy of Mawchick's rules for you on the offical sign up and the deadline to mail them to her. Looks like the swap ends on Nov get hookin!

Oh yea, we do as many squares as the # of people on the list, so everyone will get one square from each person.

Mawchickkidie wrote:

Ok just for a reminder the offical sign-up week starts on 8/25 and ends on 8/30 and from there will end on Nov 1st and everyone will need to have their squares mailed not later than Nov. 5th that will give me plenty of time to get them sorted and mailed back in time for christmas.
Rules: any pattern, any color. all square to be 6" or as close as possible. tails can be weaved in, or left out.
Mailing your squares: make sure you put them ziplock backs with your name on the bag. we are going with the flatrate shipping boxs from the postal service. make sure to send a SASE and return postage along inside the bags with your squares.
Hope this helps everyone!

I do have a question for everyone on tagging our squares, would ya'll want to print a pic of your avater and attach like smittys farm did last time, or would ya'll rather use blank address label with your names on then and stick on the corner of the squares? Ya'll hen peck as my dh like to say and let me know what Ya'll think.

well I finished the girls dolls one got a puppy and the other got a bunny. I tell ya'll what if you want some good practice on crocheting try the amigurmi once you master making stuff like that I think you could crochet anything, my next challange to crochet the eiffle tower! just kidding but I bet I could get pretty darn close! well catch ya later. Maw!
Hey perhaps I should make a little "project" bag!! With a couple of pockets for needles and things like that, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Hey perhaps I should make a little "project" bag!! With a couple of pockets for needles and things like that, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Yes, make one and I will pm you my address right away!!!!
Finally finished that bright colored afghan from a few pages back! I just bordered it in the blue with 4 rows around and threw it on the back of my doesn't match a thing!! I like it pretty much for that reason though, lol! I'll take a picture when I unfold and take pics of the preemie blankets. Have a great day!
helllllooooooo, where has everyone gone??? the room is empty!!! I see crochet hooks and yarn everywhere but no one crocheting!!! There is some popcorn on the floor too..maybe everyone is watching a good movie?!
I'm having to take a summer break.
Between fruits & veggies to be processed for freezing, gardening, dealing with a teen & pre-teen, DH's stress over company lay-offs, 3 sets of chickens in different age ranges/ needs, and working full time... well, something had to give and it was crocheting.

Sorry, SE!
DH bought me a great big freezer and I'm trying to fill with stuff from my garden and stuff from the local farmer's market in Seymour. It's a lot of work! But then I open that freezer and look at the goodies I've got so far and

Peaches, peeled & pitted for jam
Blackberry juice: 4+ cups for future jelly
Blueberry juice: 4+ cups for future jelly
Blueberry solids fo using in smoothies
Apples peeled, cored & cut for pies
Corn both creamed & cob
Pea pods & shelled green peas
Beef & pork from the local grass-fed meat guy
Purdue chicken from when it was on sale

And I'm not done yet!!!!
Gracias mi amiga!!! I thought the cotton yarn..yes, I am still nauseatingly singing the praises of the cotton yarn!!..really made the shape nice and it was so easy to work with. I was liking that ridge all through it too where I joined it..have you tried that yet Kris? The colors are sooo loud though, it really clashes with everything I have, I prefer earthy colors and neutrals but I can't get my daughter to like it, go figure!!! Will be finishing my squares up now that I'm done with that..looks like Maw has the list up to 24 so we know we have to make at least that many...better get busy!!!!
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