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This thread is really starting to rock now with everyone posting on it more often!!! Whoo hoo!!! Welcome Purr...hope that arm isn't too twisted so you can still hook!! The list is growing everyday, that's great!! More new friends and more great squares!!!
OMG!! I discovered a place called Swap-bot! Must finish prior projects..... LOL I need to stop Googling things.... LMAO

Question..... is it ok if I do some of my squares in cotton and some in acrylic?
You can do your squares in what ever colors and types of yarn tickles your fancy thats why we did the scrap yarn theme, I have all kinds, colors and types of yarn in mine.

Now I have a question, maybe I am still to young to know or what but what is an egg cozy? I mean are you suppose to put an egg in it or is it just suppose to look like an egg?

I would post a link to the cutest amgi's I seen last night but I don't exactly know how to do that. well I am glad to see everyones doing good I guess I will go to bed now. Night ya'll maw.
Ya'll are goin have to stop posting links or I will never get anything done. I get off in to a crochet site and before I know it I've been gone for two hours. LOL.

I nearly peed my pants laughing so hard when I saw that egg cozy with high heels.

And I loved that crayon afghan, that will be #7, on my list of things to crochet next. Thanks ya'll for the links. BTW when you post a link do you copy and paste it into your post? and do you have to put those things?

Scooter the only thing I can make of it would be hdc 2 and maybe do 2 more in the same stitch? I am not really sure. I will make a call and see what I can find out.
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