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Just popping in to say howdy! Been away from the puter quite a bit lately.

Was diagnosed with depression 2 weeks ago and put on meds and feeling MUCH better! I have now realized that for a few years, I've been using the computer to "escape" from it (literally a huge part of every day). For the past several years, I was pretty certain I was fighting depression, just thought I could handle it on my own. But for the past 6 months, I've really gone downhill, and it was time to seek Doctor's help.

Now that I'm feeling better, am having to force myself sometimes to get on here just to check emails and read BYC to see what's going on. I'm enjoying life and my family so much more, that I find myself not wanting to spend time on the computer now.

I've started another regular ripple afghan for my grown dd for her birthday in October. It's coming along quickly and nicely. I'll post photos when it's done. Then, I have to do one for my 7yo dd for Christmas. Good thing they work up quickly!

Haven't touched my squares for the swap since the first one, and am considering changing patterns for it. lol

OK gotta run. Just wanted to pop in and say hello!!
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i finished the baby blankie i was working on. i really like it!!

Well storms have slowed down enough that I can get on the computer for a while, glad to see everyones doing and coming along fine. AmyQuilt I understand what you are going through and your not alone, I have grown up with Bi Polar disorder and it wasn't until about 8 yrs ago that I finally broke down and decided to get on medication to help me go on with life. And that is a very hard decsion to make and admit that you need help but once you get the relief you've been looking for you wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Good Luck and we are here for you.

Scrambled Good Luck to you and your daugther and congrats on her getting into and going to college it seems that so many these days either don't make it that far or just don't want to go when they have the chance.

Guitartists you are doing just about the same kind of pattern I am doing its real easy and you can hook them out real quick your doing great girl

Karanleaf I get up kinda early but not as early as you a scrambled do. but I try to be on before noon. Sometimes I just can't get there because of the girls and DH but I know what you are talking about with the what ya doin? questions every ten mins, although mine also want to learn and then will fit over the same color of yarn. but that ok its just something I can remind them of when they grow up and have kids and are in the same situation.

Natapple welcome and sure you can join us crazy an fun yarn loving hookers I will add you to the list. All the swap information is on the first page of this thread along with the main list which I update and will post through out the thread also. If you have any questions feel free to ask as we will all love to answer and help out if we can. We are a yarn loveing, care free, crazy bunck of hookers who love to,as dh likes to say, cluck, hook and have fun. Welcome.


Well girls I have 60 done, just in case, and I am off to work on ya'll eggy key chains. I have decided that I may add some crazy troll like hair on the heads, I don't know I will try it and see what it looks like.
Scootersmom Baby blankie looks nice that's a great baby gift..

My step mother is always crocheting she makes baby blankets (last year she made 14 of them 10 for new babies in our family), baby sweaters, 5 or 6 afaghans for raffles and always 1 or 2 for somebody for a gift.
busy busy....
So I grew up with someone always crocheting in my family.
It's also therphy......
Nice blankie Scoot!!!! Welcome Natapple!!! Is your mom gonna join too?!! She's welome. I hear Purr is joining too, or at least that's what she said when I twisted her arm, lol!

Got my daughter moved yesterday, whew, a big job!! She is beginning her junior year, this is just the first year out of the dorm and into an apartment. She is one happy kid, lol!

Angie your square looks great! It's easy now that you have the hang of it isn't it?! I did some on the trip yesterday.

Well, back to bed, the puppy woke me up so I thought I would check in here a minute. Cleaning my carpets later today....not too much fun but needed with all the moving having gone on here and the new puppy!!
Well, I've done some in pink variegated also, and I'm about out of the green variegated, so I will be switching to a new color soon
They are going so much more quickly now, especially since I finally feel comfortable with the yarn and the hook... that was half of my battle

Amyquilt..... glad to hear that you are doing so much better.... I struggled with depression for just about my entire life with all different kinds of meds, counselors, etc. It's always better to seek professional help than to try and cope all on your own, good for you to see a doctor
Sometimes you don't even know how bad it was until you feel better

Maw... 60!!!!
ep.gif you hook in your sleep!?!?

I'll be thrilled if I can get my 31 done in time

Oh, I almost forgot...Scootersmom, that blanket is the little tassels!
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Well now that you mention it, I did wake up the other day to find a yarn ball under the covers.

Scootersmom I love the colors, beautiful. awsome job!

Its not that I hook in my sleep, I wake you get all my stuff out get the girls took care of, make my coffee, do a little posting, then I pop in a movie around 11:30 am and sit down and start to hookin and one I get started it seems to just fly, I choose a really easy pattern this round since I am the swap leader this round, but I did do a few flower squares and such but mostly a basic granny. but most of the summer where ever i went I took my crocheting and books with me and just keep at it I found that the more you practice the faster and better and more enjoyment you get. I love to crochet, I have found my calling. Something that I really love to crochet is the amigurumi its so much fun and the results are too cute. And I enjoy watching my kids play with and enjoy something I made with my own two hands, verus something that was made in china and imported in and will fall apart with in two weeks. Plus they seem to play with these longer than anything that is store bought.

SE congrats on your daughter. I hope she enjoys her new apartment. And you just take that puppy and suggle it up under the covers next to you and get you some sleep. My Dhs Bloodhound kept me up all night the other night when it was raining apperantly she has dug so much dirt out of the floor of her dog house that when it rained it ran down in and she was standing in water, so I got her moved in to his old jeep and shes sleeping away in the back seat nice and dry. LOL. well later ya'll
OK, sign me up I'll have a go at it, I've never made a granny square before but I do know the basics of crocheting.
Although I don't know how I'll manage it since my arm is killing me .Thanks Scrambled
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