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Sorry Scrambled I was telling them about the red cast in the last swap. And poor scootersmom and her son were in a wreck last week, so she won't be doing any hookin for a while. But she hasn't said anything about weather or not either of them has had any major injurys. I sure hope not. So I asked a everyone if anyone would like to help out with her squares I am doing 15 extras, Karanleaf is going to do 7 extra and Purr said she would do a few extra.

Purr do as many as you think you can and I will get anymore that is needed.

Thanks Karanleaf and Purr for the support. Thats what its all about! well gals have a great day and I will post ya later. Maw.
hi all
my son and i have no major injuries.he isnt hurt at all
me on the other hand...well my whole upper body area is very badly bruised and swollen. looks like someone beat the tar outta me. my upper right thigh has a huge knot on it is swollen and black and blue and bruised. i am on bed rest just wanted to check in with y'alls.
thanks for helping with my squares everyone. time for pain meds and bed again. i miss you all!!!!
We have tropical storm/ maybe hurricane Fay headed our way tomorrow and wednesday, so my daughter(natapple) and I should get a lot of hooking done after we get all the chickens moved into safer areas tonight as we stay up to watch the storm come through.

If all goes as well as it did 4 years ago with all the storms that went by us, we should be able to make a few extras I already have 5 done, and 5 partially done, and my daughter started last night and we did 2 together as I showed her the pattern.
Greenapple, I hope the storms pass you by to this time. Keep us posted. I grew up in Florida and know to well the familiar drill of grabbing important stuff, moving boats, motor homes, buying water, ice, stock piling food & boarding up windows and sometime evacuating. Whew! I've been through a few there or some that has landed close by anyway.

You, your family & chickens stay safe.
So sorry Scoot!!!! Hope you get better soon girl!!!! Lisa, hope all of the storms bypass you and the other coastal states. I hear it is quickly becoming a category 1 hurricane...keeping my fingers crossed for you and us here in the Carolinas since it could easily turn our way. Leepsy, you're a doll, I'll make some extras too Maw.
Hook on ladies!!

Oh, I almost way in the world can you bypass this's killer crochet..the best granny squares I've ever, ever patterns, just pictures of some exceptional work..check it out, makes me drool!!!
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Goodness ME!!!
Go away for a bit and there is nearly 10pgs to catch up on!!

We up to 33 now, Maw? Cool beans!

Prayers go out to those in need! I really do suffer from CRS... I know I just read all those pages, but darn it, I forgot to take down names!
SORRY! Is there some way I may be able to help out?

No more patterns!!
My project boxes are already overflowing! HAHAHAHA! DH is gonna be most upset if I start yet another project w/ out attempting to empty out what I got stored! HAHAHAHA! So very bad I am!

Sounds like all is coming along nicely and at the end of this I'll have a really cool lookin' shawl w/ all the squares from here!

Well, I'm off to finish up a shawl, work on some squares and debate which pattern to play w/ next! HAHAHAHA!

Blessings to all and happy hooking!
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We just got all the feathered ones put up. I just checked the NOAA website, pretty little storm, the ones we had 4 years ago didn't fit in one radar screen. I know I am warped, I enjoy tropical storms and mild hurricanes. We lost a frisbee during Jeans trip over the state 4 years ago. I figured out a sport missing from the olympics - catching free range chickens
We will be hookin away untill the 11pm update for Fay comes out. If she follows Charlie's path, we will have fun
Scoot glad to hear ya'll are ok no major injurys, I do have to say you will be the first blue hooker I know though! Glad to hear ya'll are fine and no worries we have you covered.

Greenapple and Natapple we will be praying for ya'll, hope the storm doesn't do to much damage. tell ya what thought if you'll squirt some dishsoap on your chickens then as the storm blows through they will get a good cleaning and you won't have to wash the mud off. LOL.

Gals looks like we have scoot taken care of, but if ya'll would like to make some extras just in case go right ahead, We might need them later on. If not then you will have a few extra to add to whatever it is that your making with your squares.

Well I made a amigurumi turtle today and will make the mrs egghead and mr eggcup tomorrow. I did take pictures in hopes that I can get them posted some how. well Ya'll take care and happy hookin gals! Maw.
That amigurumi crochet is cute, not my "thang", but cute, so yes, pictures are cool! Have a great day ya'll and hopefully "Fay" will dissapate and be down-graded, we can always use good rain, not hurricane rain, but soaking rain.
Good Morning Hookers
I hope you have a sun shinning day, except those that want a rain shower.

Scoot glad you are still able to move around, I know you are moving slow and carefully
I hope you had the soak in the tub and I certainly hope it helped

Scrambled and Greenapple I sure hope the Storm doesn't hit your areas very hard.
And you and yours remain safe..

Maw I hope you have a chance to put your photo up of your turtle. I may try one or two of the critters when I'm done with the squares. I may try a different pattern on a square or two just to see how it goes. But after I get home from work and my chores are done and any other running I may have, sometimes I am lucky to get 1 square done a day. But then on the weekend I may get 6 or 10 done.

Hey Scrambled thanks for the link I loved the photos Great Squares

I wonder how our Scottish Traveler is doing? I hope she is having a great time. It is wonderful when you get the oppertunity to go to another country. We visited our oldest son in Germany 11 years ago, it was a wonderful trip.

Well gals gota get ready to get stuff done here before heading to the office. Be hooking up with ya all later
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