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Welcome no chicks here to BYC and the crazy hookers
This is such a great funloving, chicken talking and hookin group. You are going to love it here. We love to welcome new hookers. If there is anything we can do to make you feel at home or help you just let us know.
Wendy that pattern is so AWESOME!!!!! Thanks so much for taking all your time to copy it for us. I do so very much appreciate it. Thankyou , thankyou, thankyou!!!!!!!


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Good Morning Ladies
I see we have a new hooker to add to the corner, Welcome, we're glad to have you here with us crazy funlovin, chickenheaded BYC Hookers! We would love to have you join in on all the fun!

Well ladies I got back form the sale around 10:30 lastnight and when we left they were still going, I made $25.00 on all my babys and good news is one guy bought them all and I know him and they are going to a great home. BUT the sad news is there were a bunch of chickens brought in at the last moment before the sale started and they were all packed in boxs, they cut holes in the boxs and put chickenwire over them so you could see in the boxs but the boxs were really small and there were 2 to 3 chickens cramed in there, tothe point that them couldn't stand up or even turn around and had to be like that until probley midnight. OH it was so awful to see. but they did it that way cause they didn't want their cages stolen and so they had to do that instead. if it were me I would have just took that chance of losing the cages. instead of stressing my chickens out. But what can ya do?
The other good news is I didn't get in to trouble with the hubby as I did really good and only got a bag of feed.

well I am going to go and work on my window now and will post ya'll a bit later. Have a great weekend. Maw.
Hey chillin, I wasn't to worried about needing
. But I was thinking if it got to addicting, maybe I could sneak a few in the apartment
...nobody would know right!

Thanks for the heads up on what the spring swap will be

I like to read about everything, seems like a warm group.

Thank you so much, Wendy. You are great to type crochet instructions for us. I won't let you down. Now you might have a couple of birthdays
before I get it finished but I am going to practice it when I get off the computer.

Welcome, Susan. I been at BYC longer than my posts make it look like. I am sure you will like it here. Everyone is so friendly and supportive.

Thanks for the thoughts re: my turkey hen. We really miss her.

SE, hope things go well tonight. I love racing. In fact, my dh calls Sunday my day off because I watch the races religiously. Get it? Religiously.
No offense meant. Anyway, I like NASCAR and I hope
I see Travis there one day.

I google search most of mine and then grab the picture onto my desktop and then upload it in the profile section of your member page. It will ask you for an avatar and let's you browse for a pic. If you find one on a website, sometimes you can browse to that site and link it here.

I can PM you about if with a better explanation, but right now I have to go clean out chicken dust and smell from my lungs... 3 hours in an SUV truck with 25 full grown chickens basically in the back seat is stinky work!!!
More soon, all! Pics too! Thanks for your patience! I promise it won't take as long as it did for the Scotland pics!

Night for now!
Ris I sure hope your DH doesn't lose you in that coop with all those hens, cuz we need you on here too, so just make sure to tell him to bring the laptop out to you when he comes to feed in the morning!LOL

Scrambled I sure hope your race goes good for you.

well I am really tired tonight had to clean out my closet and dressers and start getting out everyone's winter cloths so I am bushed. And then one of my hens try with all her might to eat my toe while I was sitting in the yard watching the kids play, apparently she was off in la la land during feeding time and missed out, she latched on to my 2nd little toe and tried with all her might to rip it off, I now have a bandaid on that toe, she caught her beck jsut right in the corner of my toe nail and made it bleed. So we had to have a talk about not trying to eat moma's toe's. So she and everyone else got feed again and then tucked away into their coops and trees, some are a little more on the rustic side and like those high tree branchs better then the perches in the coop. Oh well so I am off to bed now and will see ya'll in the morning Night gals and take care! Maw.
Just cruisin through to say good morning!! Have to get some breakfast made and yes it was another @#>% night at the track.....soooooo many wrecks last night and so few places to get out of the way, Travis was collected in several and finished 11th...we are down to the skin of our teeth with the points lead....a break next week at the track with the points racing then I think 3 more, I will be sooooo happy to be finished with this season!!!

I did get two of my crochet-a-long blocks finished for the wool lionbrand sampler afghan..gonna be pretty!!!! Also have done 6 white cotton washcloths in a really awesome stitch for my melted album bowls with the music soaps (talked about alot on the crafts thread) to get some Christmas done. Bought a wooden circle to glue my wine corks on for that wreath I am making...ALOT to do, glad I have some time this week to do some of that and make some soap too...Maw..I remembered yesterday that I hadn't sent you those chicken beads I promised you..will do that this week when I send another replacement Mascot off...ALOT of the fun has rubbed off that effort, that's for sure...some people are not very invested in it...oh well...

I'll check in later, have a great day ya'll
hahaha! Maw! that's so close to the truth! I wanted to stay out there today, but the ladies were so eager to get me out of the way to jump in their nest boxes, I just wouldn't fit. We didn't have straw until this morning and they *immediately* hopped into their boxes almost as I was putting in the straw! They were eager to lay and will be eager to get out in their run too which we have to roof today.

OH! you should have seen DH, DD and me and our ineptness at trying to catch 25 chickens in a HUGE Amish barn of about 400 + hens. It was COMICAL! The Amish couple we were getting our chickens from were quite entertained!
DD and I did manage to return a couple of wayward chicks to their mama at the Amish farm. She was quite ferocious until she found out we were *returning* them.

So much to do!
Sorry to hear about the race, SE!
Maybe you could start racing chickens? I have a few really fast ones.
Well, I have a reprieve to get some housework done before we head back to get DD from Grammy's, so I better get going.

I was daring and wore flip flops out to the coop, Maw...but so far they don't like my toes. Hope yours forgets how tasty your toes are!

More soon. Have a great Sunday, Ladies!
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Ok... I MUST be blind! LOL! I cannot seem to find that pic and link for that Sunflower afghan that had all of the different sunflower squares in it... I think Scrambled may have posted it?????? I feel like I'm losing my mind, and I've been through the thread twice now! ACK! LOL I'm glad tomorrow is an all new week!
If you are allowed to keep a parrot at the apartment, you could easily sneak in a bantam cochin hen or a bantam silkie hen
Just keep it in a large parrot cage, no one will know... until you get hooked and have to have more
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