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Well, we are on hold. Landlord called yesterday & said we can't move in for a couple weeks because a sewer problem happened and they have a hole in our bathroom floor & needless to say he said our kitchen floor has to come up too. because the sewer line goes right under our apartment & there is no crawl space.

I almost have it all packed up too!
So now we get to stay here another couple weeks or move in with our daughter...who already has a houseful of about 9.

So I am waiting for hubby to get back & we can talk quickly about what we are going to do. I tried to talk to him tonight about it when he called, but he was complaining he was to COLD to talk.
...who knows maybe we will live under a bridge til then,
But, thanks for asking

Did you see Nebraska was on 20/20 tonight about our safe haven law. Boy that wasn't very well thought through on our law makers part.

Ris, glad the fuzz butts are doing good!
Take care all, night
LOL!!!! You are right Jennifer!! We are a crazy bunch of grown women that actually "like" calling ourselves "hookers"!! Now what does that really say about us I wonder??!!!!!!!

I got an email from these folks today... and checked out their page, pretty nice. Reminds me of the swap-bot idea with the continual swaps going all the time...thought I would share it in case anyone wanted to branch out with their square swapping....course hopefully you could bring those folks here too into our swap. Looks like they only have one partner and do just one or two squares to swap with their partner. They have a nice pattern page too with alot of hexagon patterns showing on it... ...
anyway, thought that was interesting. I think it would only help our numbers if we integrate with other crochet groups, especailly ones like that one that don't have the opportunity to "chat" with one another in a forum setting..BIG advantage for us..and the main reason I hated that Lionbrand crochet-a-long. They missed the boat on that opportunity big-time. They had 4000 people sign up for a crochet sampler afghan crochet-a-long and no forum to communicate with one another..they had a stupid rolling blog where you post an entry but who wanted to scroll through 4000 entries to talk to folks..horribly organized so everyone left...big opportunity missed for them to settle into an expanding chat base of crocheters...sooooo...since we do have that, thanks to Nifty Chicken, we should rope in these other groups that don't, like this site that sent me the email...(wonder how they got my email? maybe someone here is already a member of their swaps? very cool if so, and thanks for the referral..good idea). Back to what I've been saying ya'll...recruit, recruit, recruit!!! If we were a really huge group, we could break our swaps down into smaller more themed swaps and have them more often than twice a year

Also, I prowled around etsy last favorite idea place..soooo much nice crochet and nice packaging of people's work..worth browsing for ideas and shopping too, I have gotten great deals on loose beads and Terri Lacy sold me some awesome chicken potholders last year...everything you can imagine on etsy..hey and etsy should partner for advertising with all the chicken things on that site!!

Well, I have a list of things to do today around the house and good thing they are all inside since it is soooo cold outside!!!! Brrrrrrr!!!Have a great day "hookers"!!!
Good morning Vietnam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well ladies, MORE snow last night and it's 16 degree this am! YUK....
Im going to swig down another cup of coffee and then its out to the barn to feed 11 head of horses,turn them all out after blankets are on them and then do stalls! I just got in new heated water buckets for the new stalls added on so Ill be putting them up today as well.
This cold damp weather is really kicking in the arthritis this am!!!!
Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Good morning SE!!! you are up bright and early!!!


cold here again that means frozen water again!! oh well the joys of haveing animals!!! LOL
anyone ever been mooned by a snowman??? well now ya have!!!

cant wait to get our squares and the SS in the




chore time and i have a lot to do today(like that is any different from any other day!!!)
later hookers!!!!
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Hello, My name is Jeanmarie. I am new to BYC. I LOVE to crochet. Not so great at knitting but I love to crochet! I have a lot of reading to do to get caught up on this thread. Anyone have cliffs notes? HEHEHE!
Jeanmarie! We LOVE new members to our crazy, cozy club!

Cliff Notes! Great Idea!!! Actually if you find Karanleaf - she has great summaries for all of us...I think she's somewhere at the top of this page. We all try to keep up, but we are all very very chatty, so don't feel obligated to remember everyone. Just read and chat at your leisure and for your entertainment. We take requests from men in kilts to critter crochet swaps.

Great to have you!


we are all a lil crazy here (except for me im the only sane one!!) LOL

sit down relax and stay for and get to know us and post alot so we can get to know you too!!
We used to have a white's dumpy tree frog, he stayed attached to the top corner of the fish tank. Now I know why they call it dumpy. lol shoulda been bumpy, like sitting like a bump on a log. lol

Refreshments, beads, yarn, gossip, friendship. It's all here, just gotta jump right in.... somewhere. lol


Hey Risu... would you rather have our lil hatching we had Thursday that continued yesterday and somemore today? lol We're up to 79 of the things!
Good luck with them! I am addicted, true, but I unfortunately don't have the room.
I do see images of converting half of Hannah's (DD's) room into the brooding room though.
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lol I know exatcly which picture went through your head!
This summer, when we really got into the whole 'chicken thing', Jim's son, Bryan was living with us. Well, come Easter, and Bryan decides to move back to Maine. About 2 weeks before he left, his room got turned into the pet room. Two weeks after he did leave, the incubators came in. We still have the spare bed up, but aint noone sleepin in that room, it's new job description is, catch and hold all. lol
We have the incubator, which is a 4 shelf'er (holds 300 eggs) with hatch tray, (holds 100 eggs, but not enough room to hatch 100 eggs lol), the gerbil, the brooder(s), and the trantula and scorpion in the pet room. Plus all the crap in the closet and on the bed . oh and the crap under the bed too. lol
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