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OMG I love that shirt too! Wow and to do it for the BYC crochet club, that's amazingly awesome. (hope it comes down a bit in price....)

Thanks all, I had fun making her, even if she takes me forever. And I am a little bit amazed that I made her too. I guess I was destined for critter crochet. Sk, do you really want one? It will be done by Easter

Speaking of swaps, tangentially, can we do flowers for the spring swap? Though I suppose those are generally smaller then 6 inches and if you do have a 6 inche flower, what would you do with it?
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Could be cheaper, I dont really know about that, wonder if anyone could draw a cute crocheting chicken for the design?! If so, let Nifty know please ...otherwise I guess it is a no go for possible design infringement...drat!
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Cute Cute Cute!!!

Speaking of chicken. Did anyone ever come up with a way to make that chicken hat? I still have the picture and I would love to know how to make it. I looked all over the internet trying to find a similar pattern and all I find is the drumstick viking hat.
I'll talk to my graphic designer hubby and see what he can do about a crocheting chicken.
However, it will have to be after the holidays. I doubt very much he will have time or inspiration before then.

Um, Algo, the chicken is about 8 inches or so tall with her legs. (Fancy, her mom, has really long legs
Lovemy, I purchased one of those chicken hats and received it this week. The creator has promised to send me some sort of directions this week. It's basically an earflap hat with wings, head and tail fluff attached after. I'll try to take disected (sp.?) pictures of it tomorrow and let you know when I receive the directions!
We could always use a pic of Risu's version of Fancy.. if you greyscale it, it would show the stiches better, then you can scan that in a puter, and use it for the pic... ? lol spent too much time playin graphic design artist in High school.... And I mean.. PLAYING.. lol can't do it for reals lol
mommahen: I would really appreciate that. That silly little chicken hat was my inspiration to learn crochet because I wanted to make one. I actually saw the real hat. I bought some chicks at IOwa poultry show from ChooksinIowa. She was wearing it that day. I was checking it out.

BTW: It is freezing freezing freezing here. 3 degrees and wind is blowing like crazy. Hope the chickies don't get too cold tonight. Got heat lamp on them. Seems to really help.
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SE the ornaments are so cute I may make a few of them...

Rocet I Love the Baby Ms Fancy Frizzle She is Great....

Okie I am soo eggcited about hearing Christmas Eve on your test
I am so glad you back pain was a UTI not that it fun but better than the other.

I am glad that everyone is doing well.

Chuck and Shamoo glad you guys are fitting just right with this crochet click of chicks.

Sorry I haven't posted much lately but with work, baking coockies, brownies and cranberry nut bread and getting Noah ready for his trip. :thud took a lot of work along with the regular routine.We took him to Jefferson City to spend Christmas vacation with his Dad.


Trying to thaw out enough to type we have 0 with windchill -20 wind is going 25-30 mph. IT brutal outside.

I did manage to take some photos of our Glow Worm of a greenhouse. The metal on the side is 3 feet so gives you an idea of how much snow is drifted up to it until the ice came the other night.

Thats going to be all the lights we get up this year our light bill has already doubled. but what ya gona do we gota keep the plants and seedlings alive. looks pretty though form the distance.

I have been working on getting things put together for the Babyghan shower send off and hopefully will have some thing ready soon. And maybe we will know if its 1 or 2 baby afghans we need

Well gang I am going to head off to my blankets and my crocheting. too chilly sitting here. Have good Night all.
Love yas
Nite nite all! I'm pooped. We're doing back to back holiday parties at our house. Just finished with party #1. Tired to say the least. Will be glad when #2 is over tomorrow and we can really relax.

Hugs to all my hooker friends, even though I'm not a "real" hooker yet.
welcome to the thread Horsecrazy!!!! Happy to have you, hang around with the rest of us hookers!! I dont have a dog sweater pattern but others might. I bought two at walmart for my dachshunds for christmas and they had the arm holes as opposed to the "sleeves"..worked ten times better for short legged dogs than those dumb sleeves!!

Finally finished the afghan for my daughter's vacated bed here at's plain, just sc and dc and a small border but it looks good on the bed and it's nice and square on all sides..
I think for the one she wants with the really loud colors I have a cute pattern called cartwheels I'll use. Might start that today..well after the housecleaning fairy leaves that is!!

Karan, that greenhouse is fantastic!! Unbelievable!!! I hope like crazy that turns out to be a very successful venture for you
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