BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

Well geez Heny, how'd you get so good?!? XD I leave for like, three minutes and you improve twice the amount as when I saw you last time. Or maybe it's been more like three months, I don't remember...

Heck, everyone on this thread has either improved or just always been really good. Me on the other hand...Pfft, I haven't improved an inch.
I have like, one recent thing drawn, but it has no accents, as I like to call them now, and I haven't finished it yet either. Just like everything else I've drawn this week...month...year...

Yes!!!! Drown in the MEH-ness of my drawing! Muah-ha-ha-ha!!!
Thats a beautiful eye! And huge, you should make a whole face to scale, ans put the pieces together like a puzzle. I bet a gallery would display that! So cool :)

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