BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

AHA! I have found one: a rare The Phantom of The Opera fan! I LOVE that movie! It's my fav. movie... my No. 1 fav... end of story. XD

Did you finish the picture?
You must've done some digging to find this post. XD Lol, but yeah I did finish it. I didn't like it though so I never actually posted it.

It's so awesome to know that other people are as addicted to the Phantom of the Opera as well. I've read the book, watched the movie, and I have The Phantom of the Opera memorized on piano. So yeah, I'm quite and addict if I do say so myself.
A flat-faced kitten drawn with a mechanical pencil. I originally meant for it to be an adult cat, but somehow ended up drawing a kitten instead! Ah, well.
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Well... You already know what's wrong... The angle of the arms are very awkward, unnatural looking. The face is great. I realise they are elf ears, but even elf ears follow a proportion rule. Look in your mirror. See where both the bottom and top of the ear connect to your head, give you an idea where the connect points should be on your character.

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