BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

yup layers!

my first digital piece about 15 layers.
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Seriously, the digital stuff, how do you people do it? I have a tablet thing and everything, after about a year now I am still not much farther than I was.

Is there like a secret? Or is it just pure talent and awesomeness?

Lots of layers, a steady hand, and understanding of how digital art programs work.
Everything--literally everything!!--I know I learned from other digital artists who were patient in teaching me. I, however, am entirely self-taught, concerning my cartoon canines. ^.^

Well, that's certainly part of it. I try to make as few layers as I can manage, and knowledge of painting in general is more important, in my opinion. I'm also self taught.
Oh wow, you guys make a lot of layers. I usually only have 5 visible ones or so.
I duplicate each layer in case I screw one up:p But Mine is also combination photo, scanned sketch, free hand, pattern overlays shading overlays. I can free hand single layer only but it takes too long and I don't have the benefit of time.


8 layers also used a 3D model base which I designed using a very handy program. Still tweaking. They are Character illustrations for my novel ;) but the model rally helps proportions. my freehand s improving significantly. I am also self taught. Didn't do any art since I was a kid and started again about 19 months ago.


100% free hand pencil sketch digital color single layer.
Bwaaag, thanks for the advice!
I have been layering and stuff a bit, maybe I just lack the knack.

Love all of everyones stuff on here though. :lol:

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