BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

Thanks guys

the wings and hand DX oh, and the weapon (yes i do draw those, once in a while)
Well geez Heny, how'd you get so good?!? XD I leave for like, three minutes and you improve twice the amount as when I saw you last time. Or maybe it's been more like three months, I don't remember...

Heck, everyone on this thread has either improved or just always been really good. Me on the other hand...Pfft, I haven't improved an inch.
I have like, one recent thing drawn, but it has no accents, as I like to call them now, and I haven't finished it yet either. Just like everything else I've drawn this week...month...year...

Yes!!!! Drown in the MEH-ness of my drawing! Muah-ha-ha-ha!!!
No, I used a very dark graphite pencil. It actually started out kind of light, but gradually got darker as I went along, what with shading and putting on more layers I suppose. :) It does look a bit like I used charcoal sticks though, doesn't it?
I haven't quite mastered them though, I'm afraid.

Thats great with the graphite! Mine have been getting darker and darker with each drawing creating more depth, but I don't think any of mine have gotten that dark. That is amazing! What pencil did you use? And same with me on the carcoal sticks. My art teacher keeps pushing me to use them, but it's so hard to control them. You really can't do fine detail. I did however accept the charcoal in pencil form, it gives you a little better control and really gets the darkest of darks. Once again, I still can't believe that was accomplished with graphite. Nicely done!

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