BYC folks picture - updated pg 18.

Oh my Fierlin! I was looking at old GJF threads and I saw "Crude End" I didn't know you were Rays two cents!

I got the name changed halfway through January. I thought 'most everyone knew, coz I left my title the same for a while. :lol: Oh well, yes. :p

thats so cool! Which one am i?

You're the one with your arms out, between littlecreek and willowbranch. :D
Oh, geez. I'm a midget compared to you people e_o
Gender: Male
Height: 4ft 8in
Hairstyle (and colour, although I still haven't decided whether I'll do colour): Long Crew Cut (like, a crew cut, but maybe... an inch long?), Dirty Blonde hair color.
Clothes: Black/Greed shorts with a red t-shirt.
Position: (1 = far city, 10 = far country) 6!
Not really. I'm just very short...

THANK YOU!!!!!! Man, we shorties rock. :p I'm the same height as you. :cool:

Andd, Ray, here's me form!:)

Gender: Female
Height: 4' 8"
Hairstye (and colour, although I still haven't decided whether I'll do colour): An inch below shoulders, angle (TINY bit longer in front than back), part closer to my left side, dark brown.
Clothes: Skinny jeans, t-shirt, and flats or flipflops.
Position: 2
Perhaps I'll do another one though, this has been rather fun. :lol:
I'll have to set it somewhere interesting next time, like maybe in Space, and everyone could decide which planet they wanted to be on. :pop
I think I pick Pluto. I still believe that Pluto is a planet. :p
Pluto will always be a planet to me. I'll probably pick Venus or Mercury.
:highfive: United!! I think it's a matter of tradition. Younger kids might grow up never knowing what Pluto is, or was. :lol:
I'm sure in some textbooks the International Date Line is still where it was a couple of years ago. :p

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