BYC gardening thread!!

Do you garden?

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    Votes: 9 1.9%
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    Votes: 459 95.8%
  • Have in the past

    Votes: 11 2.3%

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Lol only 3! Until I find a blue layer! Then 4. I know, small small flock lol but man thryre awesome. Started with one, and well she needed a friend besides our dog, two turned into I really want one more...soon we'll have 20 I hear! Chicken math class hasnt started here yet.
I think they're mutts, I adopted them as pullets in a trade for plants. Lol I garden lots. Have one that looks like a barred rock, one Red and a black one with gold lacing on the wings. I get dark brown, tan and pink eggs, love them!



She's a faithful layer and last on the pecking order but so sweet. She has this iridescent green too (not sure if cam picks it up) I like watching them in the gardens. So far only lost some cabbages to them lol
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I am growing a ton of stuff this year for my girls some is new to me so hopefully it does good here(east central indiana) i have sunflower, squash,amaranth, millet, quinoa,nasturtium, lettuce, chard. Plus what i forgot and the usual tomatoes peas beans. Got dent corn too.
Love to garden, we have: Trees, Apple, Italiam plum, pear, 2 types of cherry, filbert, we grow, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, artichokes, all types of peas, beans, radishes, carrots, squash, ornamental squash, tons of flowers, herbs of all types anything and everything really, we share, can, trade, and save pretty much is good here and we are lucky. poor..but lucky.

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