BYC Member Interview - Chickassan



Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Vikki, known to BYC members as Chickassan, has been a member of our community since May 2017. Another of our wonderful all rounders, she is known for her friendliness and good advice.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself.

Well my name is Vikki Nova but I'm known as Nova.


I'm a housewife married for twenty one years no children, no family just the husband and the animals. In my spare time I play video games on the PC. Present game in play is Fallout 76. I also enjoy adding to my butterfly garden in the spring. In my professional life i'm a retired end of life therapist. I work by appointment now or sometimes just donate my services.

2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens?

I've always kept chickens, since I was a child. I was in charge of maintaining the laying flock at age ten.

In my early twenties I raised gamebirds for a taxidermy shop to help fund my education. My present flock is just for fun and enjoyment they're my retirement chickens.


3. Which aspect(s) of chicken keeping do you enjoy the most?

The thing I enjoy most about my birds is the neediness. I love opening the coop and seeing all those eyes looking at me to provide breakfast and seeing them watch me lock them safely away at night.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?

Hobo is my chicken huckleberry. My husband brought her home in a box at night so I didn't even know what she looked like. The next morning I see she's a lovely little dominique pullet! She snuggled in my arms, instant love. On the way to the quarentine pen she struggled loose and kicked everyone's butt. She hasn't changed, still loves me and still fights all comers despite being my smallest hen.


5. What was the funniest (chicken related) thing(s) that happened to you in your years as chicken owner?

Funniest thing would have to be giving the heathens breakfast mealworms "live" and then going to the DMV. I was sitting, waiting and I felt a scratching sensation in my shirt. I looked and it was a mealworm, being raised in a barn I just flipped it out onto the floor much to other people's horror. I laughed and said "it is just a breakfast escapee!" In a split second I had a whole row of seats to myself!

6. Beside chickens, what other pets do you keep?

Other pets, besides the chickens and the husband? Yes I've got a seventeen year old cat named Pussy and an eight year old fantail goldfish named Klaus.


7. Anything you'd like to add?

Final thoughts? Words of wisdom? I'm always learning from life and its contents. Some lessons good, some bad but all needed. This outlook allows me a guilty pleasure, teaching.

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