BYC members in Massachusetts?

Good morning! I'm curious about what you all use for the floor of your run? We've gone through a few different things but none seem to be quite right. I'm worried about their feet as we head into winter

Is your run covered or open?
Mine is covered and they will be in dirt and maybe straw shavings and straw inside the coop
Is your run covered or open?
Mine is covered and they will be in dirt and maybe straw shavings and straw inside the coop

It has some open area, and some covered. I have been planning to add some dirt under the covered part because it seems like they are dustbathing with a lot of stones. I was reading about sand, but some people say it stays very cold. I've used straw, but it seemed to get very muddy and gross pretty quickly. I just kept adding more on top. I know it won't stay completely dry, but it just seems to always be mucky.
It has some open area, and some covered. I have been planning to add some dirt under the covered part because it seems like they are dustbathing with a lot of stones. I was reading about sand, but some people say it stays very cold. I've used straw, but it seemed to get very muddy and gross pretty quickly. I just kept adding more on top. I know it won't stay completely dry, but it just seems to always be mucky.

Yes I have used sand mix before and the straw does get icky I rack it up once a week and put in fresh but I'm a spaz
Right now mine is just dirt and a little sand in one part but I've tried pine shavings, I liked that because it stayed fairly clean, dry, warm and looks nice. They didn't because they couldn't dig for bugs. Plus they kicked them out of the run (we have a dog kennel so the holes are big). The dirt gets gross in rain. My next plan is for the new coop and run we're building is to use deep litter in it. Basically wood chips and leaves, grass clippingd, etc. Chips not shavings because they break down faster with the different particle sizes. I initially heard 6 inches deep total, 3 inches of chips and 3 inches of leaves and stuff, but then I heard that's not really deep enough and to do one foot (12 inches) deep so 6 inches each. I think I'll go with that or somewhere in between. But basically the idea is it mixes with the poop and composts right in the run, making great dirt for gardening eventually for you, while also providing a healthy kind of environment, bugs and life comes eventually, and also give them something to do foraging for bugs. You just add more dry stuff on top when t starts to smell. Obviously for winter there might not be any bugs or composting but it would still be a nice, soft, clean environment for them and I imagine the heat from the composting action would help to keep their feet warm.

Inside the coop I just use deep pine shavings
I'm in Gardner! Just starting our chicken journey. Trying to decide to buy or build a coop.

We just went though those options depends on size and how many you want to have fenced yard or free range...? And there is chicken math. That's an important research topic. We decided to build a coop wasn't crazy about the reviews of the ones that I liked and it's taking a little longer I have house chicks right now but I think if you can build it yourself that's not a bad way to go for longevity
My husband is a carpenter, I suppose we should build. They'll be in a caged run for now until we put a fence up in the spring. We only want 4-5 laying hens.

That would be nice then you can design it how you want we have a run attached to ours and will add chicken tunnels and another fenced yard in the spring
I'm so excited! I just need to get the hubby excited too!

Im most interested in RIR, EE, Marans,

I'm still researching.

Well I will have a mixed flock of a bunch a breeds... I have been hatching just finished my second batch all shipped eggs from breeders all over I have had all of those breeds and have them now except the RIR I have Rhodebars instead they r auto sexing so you know at hatch what they are. All nice breeds I have no luck w/ the Marans I always end up w/boys I thought the one I just hatched was a girl nope comb is already getting red... Ugh are you thinking about ordering from a hatchery?

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