BYC members in Massachusetts?

I got my chicks from Agway and they sell them sexed. There's an Agway in Danvers and an Agway in Waltham. There may be more...I'm not sure. Also, all the local fairs sell them in the fall (Tospfield Fair..etc)
I got my chicks from Agway and they sell them sexed. There's an Agway in Danvers and an Agway in Waltham. There may be more...I'm not sure. Also, all the local fairs sell them in the fall (Tospfield Fair..etc)
There's an Agway in Chelmsford too, and I heard they had chicks in. LF breeds come sexed, bantams do not.

In the fall there is also the FFA (Future Farmers of America) auction held at the Topsfield Fairgrounds the Sunday following the fair. They have chicks, pullets, hens, roosters, turkeys, ducks and geese up for auction. The chicks are the ones that hatch at the exhibit during the fair and some of the birds were in the poultry show.
Hi, I am in Billerica, Mass. We just got our first hens last month when they were about 8 weeks old, now they are 12 weeks. Originally we wanted Silkies, preferably sexed since we cannot have roosters in our town, and Americaunas but could not find them around here. We ended up with a Delaware, a Buff Orpington and a Black Star. I think they are good breeds and I am enjoying getting to know their personalities and gaining their trust. I would still love to get Silkies in the future so I am planning on setting up another coop/run for them. It's hard to find someone reputable that has them around 6-8 weeks or older but maybe in a year or two I will have better luck. I guess I will just have to take my chances and hope I do not end up with a rooster!
FInding started birds are the most difficult to find. Be patient. Look for the shows and start establishing contacts. THey are out there!!

Not quite yet - my coop is almost done. Just putting on the finishing touches then will take some pix for that thread that has been so inspiring for me!

Here it is so far.... I built it totally by myself (58 year old NON carpenter woman) - Has been an amazing learning experience! The chicks are 10 days old, so have a few weeks to complete it.

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That's very nice. Ours is of a similar design. Just a little more......less perfect. It's like the ghetto version of your lovely coop.

That said, the design works great for us. We have put a perch in the corner over the ramp for some of the girls lower on the totem pole to escape to if need be.
PatQ..that coop is awesome! I would have assumed someone with a carpentry background built it. Job well done
Are you going to have electricity?
Thank you Danib :)
The biggest thing I've ever built prior to this is a small bookcase, so a coop was a real stretch! I just focused on one little part at a time which kept me from freaking out!

No - not planning on electricity - all my chickens are cold tolerant so won't need heat and at this point I'm not planning on extra light in the winter. If I change my mind, we can always run an extension cord I guess.....or run elect. out there - I actually have no idea what I'll do once winter hits!
Thank you Kannna - I envy you living on Martha's Vinyard!

Is yours a "Garden Coop"? Right now I'm trying to figure out a roost plan for 7 chickens - where did you put the roosts in your coop? I'm so close to done....

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