BYC members in Massachusetts?


I have two hens that have gone broody (for the second time this summer) and I'd like to find some local fertile eggs for them to hatch.

We hatched 10 EE/Silkie crosses earlier this season, but because of the 50/50 likelihood of roos, I'd like to get some purebred eggs under
these girls. I really don't need more chickens.

I'm looking for some colored egg layers close to Richmond, MA (which is the farthest west you can get in MA), so I'm very close to the
Albany NY area.

Anyone? Thank you.
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Check out shays swaps, Im sure you will have a nice selection there ! :)

usschicago is right, we do a raffle table full of items thiere is always fertile eggs on teh raffle table, this past one there were about 4 different raffles on eggs.
Ooh the inpector guy is coming to test the girls of age next week. He only comes to the island once a year. It is very exciting.

That racket making chick of mine is still available to any takers. She's driving me nutso.
The man who does the npip tests from MDAR. I don't know what his official title is. Poultry Test Guy maybe? We don't have a county program that I know of.

In most cases you would call them in the spring and they would come out within a few days. But, everything has to be a little different over here and they only come for a couple of days in the summer to do all the poultry on the island.
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