BYC question and answer thread....

I can also look up dosing info for most animals and most drugs used by veterinarians in "Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook".

hey guys... is there anything specific that you know more about with chickens? ilovemysilkei wanted to be put down as knows gender of chicks etc. so is there anything that any of you want to be put down as?
I'm especially good with Emergencies/Diseases/Injuries, and with What Breed or Gender, but I'll really answer anything! I know about diseases (especially respiratory diseases, reproductive tract problems, Marek's Disease and Botulism, supportive care for chickens, dewormers, mite treatments/indentification, feather loss problems, injuries from predator attacks, picking the right antibiotic, dosages for Tylan, and more!). I can answer questions on incubation periods, correct incubating temperatures, how often to turn, and common incubating mistakes. I know about brooding chicks, preventing cannibalism, how much space chickens need/should have, different coops, preparing chickens for winter, and choosing the right breed. For breeds and gender, I'm pretty good at identifying breed/breed mixes, clarifying the differences between Ameraucanas and Easter Egger, telling gender based on comb size, color pattern, leg thickness, and stance, and sexing Silkies. I also know how to show chickens, and can help people wanting an idea of how good their bird is.

Really, I'd love to answer anything! I'd like to be put down as knowing chicken knowledge in general. I don't know a lot about ducks, geese, or exotic poultry.
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hey guys... is there anything specific that you know more about with chickens? ilovemysilkei wanted to be put down as knows gender of chicks etc. so is there anything that any of you want to be put down as?
I think I'm probably best with figuring out genders/breeds and with emergencies/diseases/injuries. Not so good with incubation, genetics, or coop construction, but I would be happy to answer questions the best I could on those. Basically, I'm great with anything!
I have a question.My Malaysian Serama hen Amelia closes her eyes and sleeps when I pet her.Why does she do this?Thanks!
I can't say for sure, but I think its because she likes it. I have a bird just like yours, a Dutch Bantam hen named Pip. When I pet and hold her, she closes her eyes, makes chirring noises, and seems to almost fall asleep. She especially likes it when I scratch her head and neck.

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