I'm with ya on that one. Looks like something a 2 year old would do on a wall with a crayon.

YEP, that's me too! I can do straight lines and that's it. I too took a machine quilting class and left feeling competent, but I've tried since and my ego deflated fast.
I guess you really need to practice to get good. Like I have time for that?

BTW: What is Terrie's username? I'd like to check out her prices, etc...
Got to get to work on the quilt I am working on now. Just spent the last couple hours cleaning the coop and raking a bunch of crud to the garden for the spring.
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Wildsky, I blame you! I just spent $50+ on and it's all your fault! I mean, you had to go and talk about it on here....

I couldn't find any fabric I liked for the next project at JoAnn Fabrics last night, so I had to resort to shopping online! Seriously, THANK YOU for mentioning that site. I think I found some fabrics that will work perfectly! Of course it was a toss-up between a few of them, so I had to order a little extra! I can't wait for them to get here!
But I think I spent $30 on other fabric last night, too (even though I didn't find everything I was looking for last night, I still found some stuff I had to buy)! lol. DH is slowly getting used to my fabric addiction! It probably helps that this fabric is for our wedding guestbook... a project he REALLY wants me to get done!

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