Ok, so do y'all remember a little while ago when I was searching for my quilt blocks from our wedding so I could start on our quilt? I found them tonight!!!
I have no idea how I missed them before... I basically emptied all of my totes searching for them! Then I came across them tonight when I was searching for some of the fabric for my sister's wedding gift (I gotta start planning that project!). So, of course, now that I found them, I can't spend the time on our quilt, but now I can put them someplace safe (the hutch over my desk - now you all know in case I forget where they are again) until I can work on it.
Awww shucks!

So do you guys do anything other than quilt?
Sewing clothes was how I started back in 7th grade home economics (do they still have that in public schools?) I got into quilting later in life (okay a year or two, maybe) but I still make more clothes than quilt except for the last couple years when I've done practically nothing. I MUST get back to it but now I feel rusty!
I like to sew my daughters skirts ( I have 3) I have, in the past, sewn together co-ordinating shirts, I have done the old fashioned girls/ladies bloomers, I have done all 4 different sizes of quilts, pot holders, placemats, dinner napkins, etc. etc.

Now that I think back.....I worked for Walker Shoe Company in Asheboro, NC and there I sewn cowboy boots together, so I guess you can say that I have pratically just about sewn it all. hehe
Somehow flannel night shirts seem to have become my specialty. I started making my own because they were never long enough (heck,that's why I made most of my clothes, when I was a teenager there was nothing out there long enough for me!). Since then I've made several for both sisters, one BIL, DH and my mom. Now mine have worn out and I've had to make more. But my older sister loves hers so much she wears them at night then changes into something else to sleep in!

I've made one quilt out of some flannel scraps. Now that is WARM!
I've seen alot of flannel on is my favorite online store. That BearPawQuilting is nice too, ALOT of fabric and I have been happy with my purchases from them...don't remember about the flannel course I was only looking for cotton
Please read!!

We have actually possible two openings in the BYCville swap with a deadline of June need of 20 Post Office blocks and 20 chicken blocked, pieced or appliqued, 12.5 inches prewashed 100% nice cotton fabric..all edges turned under for applique please...check the thread and if interested let me know asap, thanks!!
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