BYC Spinning Fiber

BlackBrookPoultry I would love to try spinning angora! 

PM me your address, maybe I can get some from my mom to send to you.
I always let my moms bunnies out when I go over there to visit, but she got a new dog that she doesn't trust so I couldn't let them out yesterday. :( They were all looking at me like "when are you going to let us out?" She also has 2 black males for sale if anyone is looking.

I picked up a drop spindle and some wool roving at my LYS last week and spent an hour or so reading and watching tutorials on's what I've got so far. I only had to start over once! I love just knowing I could make yarn and clothe myself if I had to, and I could definitely see myself acquiring a wheel and a few alpacas over the next few years.

I picked up a drop spindle and some wool roving at my LYS last week and spent an hour or so reading and watching tutorials on's what I've got so far. I only had to start over once! I love just knowing I could make yarn and clothe myself if I had to, and I could definitely see myself acquiring a wheel and a few alpacas over the next few years.
Great job! Welcome to the spinning world!
Thanks to Mullerslanefarm I have found it!! hello all you fellow spinners. My girlfriend and I have been spinning for a while now and use both drop spindles and wheels. we have done many different types, but my favortie so far is the merino and jacob!! This is a pic of the latest jacob that we found. It is brownish-grey and my husband loves it!! Bad pic but, is gorgeous!!
I love jacob too, for spinning. I have three jacob sheep. It's almost time for shearing too, just waiting for this cold snap to go away. I'm almost giddy. Their fleece is so long right now. This will be their first shearing. Wish us luck!
I love jacob too, for spinning. I have three jacob sheep. It's almost time for shearing too, just waiting for this cold snap to go away. I'm almost giddy. Their fleece is so long right now. This will be their first shearing. Wish us luck!

I am so jealous. I wish you luck!! It is so hard to find Jacob. I have been looking and hope to find more. Husband is not tiny and will more then likely need some more to finish the sweater!! LOL I would give my left arm for a couple of jacobs in my yard!! I would need my right for the spinning!! Hahaha
Lovely Jacob linsay! I have no idea about the shipping and importing but there are a couple of contacts for Jacob fleeces on the Oregon Wool Growers website. I have gotten Romney and Wensleydale fiber through there. Etsy has been another great source for specific breeds of fiber.

Carded a multi colored Jacob fleece last month. Can't wait to start spinning it but need to work through some other wool first. The day I carded it I brought home way more fiber than there is storage room. It is a good problem to have but there are bags of ready to spin wool stacked in the middle of the floor. Spun a couple of big skeins of brown Icelandic last week and started on 3 ply Wensleydale lamb yesterday. In this case spinning = house cleaning right?
I could not agree more. My husband would tell you that the only reason my house gets vacuumed is so that the carded wool wont get more stuff in it!! Hahaha I am trying some icelandic that I got a few months back today!! Cant wait to see how that turns out.

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